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Uruguay | International support for the SODRE Symphony Orchestra


The SODRE Symphony Orchestra is Uruguay’s nation­al orches­tra. Founded in 1931, it is Latin America’s old­est orches­tra. A bas­tion of nation­al cul­ture, it has also become an essen­tial bench­mark for the whole of the Latin American region. It has been direct­ed by celebri­ties such as Erich Kleiber, Ottorino Respighi or Igor Stravinsky, to men­tion just the most iconic.

Unfortunately, polit­i­cal lead­ers have set out on a path to grad­u­al­ly elim­i­nate per­ma­nent posi­tions in favour of pre­car­i­ous ones with short-​term con­tracts. Currently, the orches­tra has only 52 posi­tions left for sta­ble jobs, 47 posi­tions being cov­ered by pre­car­i­ous ones.

FIM firm­ly con­demns this short-​sighted pol­i­cy which is jeop­ar­dis­ing the institution’s artis­tic her­itage. The SODRE Symphony Orchestra must urgent­ly car­ry out the recruit­ments required to fill the 47 posi­tions which are cur­rent­ly vacant.

To sup­port the SODRE Symphony Orchestra Musicians in their strug­gle to safe­guard their institution:

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