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Policy View Air Serbia’s Instruments policy

You may bring in small musi­cal instru­ments as hand lug­gage if their num­ber, size and weight with the pro­tec­tive box are com­pli­ant with the hand lug­gage allowance in terms of num­ber, weight and size: 40 × 23 × 55 cm (Length × Width × Height) /​8kg

Cabin seat

Since musi­cal instru­ments are some­times very expen­sive and frag­ile, we rec­om­mend that you buy an extra seat for them. We advise this type of trans­port for instru­ments such as cel­los, drums, gui­tars, harps, vio­las, vio­lins, as well as ampli­fiers and speakers.

You need our approval to trans­port your instru­ment on an addi­tion­al seat. This is why you should inform us whether you would like to buy an extra seat while book­ing your flight and share infor­ma­tion about the type, weight and size of the instrument.

All instru­ments need to be packed in a round-​edged pro­tec­tive box. Smaller instru­ments will be placed on an extra seat, while the larg­er ones will be placed on the floor in front of the seat.

An extra seat for the instru­ment will be charged at the same rate as your seat.

An extra seat for the instru­ment may be bought only via the Contact Centre or in our branch office.

On seat
Maximum weight 75 kg
On floor in front of seat
Maximum weight 75 kg
Aircraft type — мax dimensions
  • A330 — 45cm x 50cm x 113,5cm
  • A320/​A319 — 38cm x 50cm x 120cm
  • Boeing — 41cm x 45cm x 117cm
  • ATR — 43cm x 50cm x 97cm
Aircraft type — мax dimensions
  • A330 — 23cm x 45cm x 160cm
  • A320/​A319 — 30cm x 50cm x 160cm
  • Boeing — 22cm x 41cm x 155cm.
    Exception for the third row, between the pan­el and the seat — 45cm x 45cm x 160cm
  • ATR — 23cm x 43cm x 155cm

If your trav­el includes com­bined trans­port on Air Serbia flights and flights of one or more oth­er air­lines or you are trav­el­ling on a code­share flight of Air Serbia where trans­port is per­formed by anoth­er com­pa­ny, it is pos­si­ble that the reg­u­la­tions for the trans­port of sports equip­ment of the oth­er com­pa­ny will apply.

Partner air­lines and their trans­port conditions →

Last update 13-​Mar-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to share your expe­ri­ence as a trav­eller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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