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European social dialogue

European social dia­logue refers to dis­cus­sions, con­sul­ta­tions, nego­ti­a­tions and joint actions involv­ing organ­i­sa­tions rep­re­sent­ing the two sides of indus­try (employ­ers and work­ers). It takes two main forms:
• a tri­par­tite dia­logue involv­ing the pub­lic authorities,
• a bipar­tite dia­logue between the European employ­ers and trade union organ­i­sa­tions. This takes please at cross-​industry lev­el and with­in sec­toral social dia­logue com­mit­tees.

Financial sup­port is giv­en to transna­tion­al projects car­ried out by social part­ners and oth­ers active in the field of indus­tri­al rela­tions through the social dia­logue bud­get lines. It is also pro­vid­ed through the European Social Fund (ESF) for capacity-​building of social part­ner organ­i­sa­tions at nation­al level.

The European Commission con­sults the social part­ners on the pos­si­ble direc­tion of an ini­tia­tive, in a first stage, and on the con­tent of an ini­tia­tive, in a sec­ond stage.
Consultations of the social partners
List of con­sult­ed organisations

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