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Policy View Korean Air’s Instruments policy

A small musi­cal ins­tru­ment such as a vio­lin may be carried on board as the total dimen­sions (width + length + height) is less than 115cm/​45in. (to be sto­red in the overhead bin or under the seat)

Cabin seat

An addi­tio­nal seat must be pur­cha­sed for a lar­ge musi­cal ins­tru­ment such as cello, dou­ble bass, or geo­mun­go which is lar­ger than the total dimen­sions of 115 cm/​45 in. (You must con­tact our ser­vi­ce cen­ter directly to make the reservation.)


• Since musi­cal ins­tru­ments are very fra­gi­le and the risk of dama­ge during trans­por­ta­tion is very high, we recom­mend that you carry your ins­tru­ment on board (small ins­tru­ment), pur­cha­se an addi­tio­nal seat (lar­ge ins­tru­ment), or trans­port your ins­tru­ment as cargo.

• You may need to pay addi­tio­nal fees if the total num­ber of bag­ga­ge (musi­cal ins­tru­ments + other chec­ked bag­ga­ge), size, and weight exceed the free bag­ga­ge allo­wan­ce. [Click to see the General Baggage Regulations]

• If the total dimen­sions and/​or weight (A+B+C) of a musi­cal ins­tru­ment is lar­ger than 204 cm/​80 in and/​or weighs more than 32 kg/​70 lbs., you must pur­cha­se an addi­tio­nal seat and carry the ins­tru­ment onboard or use a freight forwarder.

• Your musi­cal ins­tru­ment must be pla­ced in a secu­rely pad­ded hard case that is desig­ned for tra­vel, and you must fill out the when you check-in.

※ If the tic­ket you pur­cha­sed from Korean Air for a flight to/​from the Americas inclu­des a codesha­re flight, plea­se be sure to con­tact Korean Air’s ser­vi­ce cen­tre or the agency that issued your tic­ket for infor­ma­tion. (Click to see info about the ser­vi­ce cen­ter)

The size allo­wed for an ins­tru­ment (A + B + C = 115 cm) is sma­ller than for a regu­lar pie­ce of hand lug­ga­ge (A + B + C = 158 cm)

Last upda­te 08-​Sep-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to sha­re your expe­rien­ce as a tra­ve­ller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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