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75th anniversary of the International Music Council

IMC five music rights (English)FIM con­grat­u­lates the International Music Council (IMC) on its 75th anniversary!

Founded in 1949, the IMC cam­paigns tire­less­ly for uni­ver­sal access to music through five “music rights”:

The right for all chil­dren and adults:
 — To freely express them­selves musi­cal­ly;
 — To learn musi­cal lan­guages and skills; and
 — To have access to musi­cal involve­ment through par­tic­i­pa­tion, lis­ten­ing, cre­ation and information.

The right for all musi­cal artists:
 — To devel­op their artistry and com­mu­ni­cate it through all media, with prop­er facil­i­ties at their dis­pos­al; and
 — To obtain just recog­ni­tion and fair remu­ner­a­tion for their work.

FIM thanks the IMC and its team for their remark­able efforts to pro­mote musi­cal prac­tice and respect for the cre­ative work of music pro­fes­sion­als. […]
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EU | Towards a directive on the working conditions of artists

EU Parliament logoOn November 21, 2023, the European Parliament adopt­ed by a com­fort­able major­i­ty of 433 votes to 100 and 99 absten­tions, the leg­isla­tive ini­tia­tive report for an EU frame­work for the social and pro­fes­sion­al sit­u­a­tion of artists and work­ers in the cul­tur­al and cre­ative sec­tors pre­sent­ed by MEPs Antonius Manders (EPP, Netherlands) and Domènec Ruiz Devesa (S&D, Spain).

In the past, the European Parliament has often lament­ed the pre­car­i­ous social con­di­tions of European artists and the lack of ade­quate social pro­tec­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly for pro­fes­sion­als with high mobil­i­ty. For the first time in its his­to­ry, it has just asked the European Commission to cre­ate a bind­ing leg­isla­tive frame­work in order to improve the work­ing con­di­tions of artists and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als in the cul­tur­al and cre­ative sec­tors. […]
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EU | Union representation for freelances

FIM delegation at Madrid conferenceOn the 8 and 9 June 2023 the final con­fer­ence was held in Madrid for the European project (car­ried out by FIM, FIA, UNI-​MEI and EFJ) relat­ing to union organ­i­sa­tion and col­lec­tive bar­gain­ing for free­lances in the per­form­ing arts and media sec­tors. Hosted by Spanish cen­tral trades union bod­ies CC.OO. and UGT, the con­fer­ence was pre­ced­ed on 7 June by the final meet­ing of a legal work­ing group, bring­ing togeth­er, around the four fed­er­a­tions, uni­ver­si­ty aca­d­e­mics, researchers and lawyers spe­cial­is­ing in labour law and com­pe­ti­tion law.

The project is based on three pillars:

1. Union organ­i­sa­tion. Training activ­i­ties were pro­vid­ed by spe­cial­ists Becky Wright and Tara O’Dowd, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with mem­ber unions of the four fed­er­a­tions. […]
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IAEA recommendations re. the management of the Covid-​19 crisis

IAEA logo

The speed with which the covid-​19 pan­dem­ic has spread across the world has led many gov­ern­ments to place excep­tion­al con­straints on their pop­u­la­tions, to try and lim­it its propagation.

The ini­tial mea­sures aimed pri­mar­i­ly at lim­it­ing large gath­er­ings, includ­ing con­certs, shows and oth­er cul­tur­al events. Shortly after, venues receiv­ing the gen­er­al pub­lic were closed. These mea­sures caused an imme­di­ate col­lapse of income in the Arts and Entertainment sec­tor. Having been pro­found­ly impact­ed from the out­set of this his­toric cri­sis, the whole of the sec­tor is now at a stand­still. A con­sid­er­able num­ber of work­ers are with­out income and the sur­vival of many com­pa­nies is uncer­tain. […]
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Covid-​19 | Response of musicians’ unions

Last updat­ed: 13 November 2020

You will find here­after nation­al reports by musi­cians’ unions on the sit­u­a­tion in their respec­tive coun­tries re. the Covid-​19 cri­sis, its con­se­quences on the music sec­tor and the response that they have devel­oped in sup­port of musi­cians whose jobs and rev­enues are impact­ed by this crisis.

Click on a coun­try to dis­play information

Members of Korea’s National Opera Choir must be reinstated!

Korea National Opera Choir members protest

Korea’s National Opera Choir was dis­man­tled in 2009 by deci­sion of the con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment of Lee Myung-​Bak, a deci­sion whose arbi­trary and unjus­ti­fied nature has since been brought to light.

Ten years after the event, cer­tain choir mem­bers are still fight­ing to be rein­stat­ed, but are com­ing up against ret­i­cences from the admin­is­tra­tion which car­ried out their dis­missal in 2009 and today fears hav­ing to rec­og­nize its past errors.

Korea’s National Opera Choir was found­ed in 2002 to pro­vide the insti­tu­tion with a choir to match its rep­u­ta­tion and ambi­tions. Acclaimed by the press, this high-​level ensem­ble took part in some 80 spec­ta­cles a year, and also gave numer­ous con­certs through­out the coun­try and abroad. […]
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Senegal | AMS is changing everything for the music sector

Senegal workshop (May 2018)

In keep­ing with the meet­ing held in March 2017, FIM and AMS organ­ised a new work­shop in Dakar from 14 to 16 May 2018, with­in the scope of the region­al pro­gramme for union train­ing backed by Swedish con­fed­er­a­tion Union to Union. On this occa­sion, vis­its to the Ministry of Labour, employ­ers and ILO helped define a coher­ent strat­e­gy towards con­clud­ing col­lec­tive agree­ments and mak­ing head­way along gen­der equal­i­ty lines.

The work­shop, which opened with a speech from the Minister of Culture, was also attend­ed by a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from UNESCO’s Dakar Office and a rep­re­sen­ta­tive from ILO-​ACTRAV. The Ministry of Labour had del­e­gat­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives for the whole dura­tion of the work­shop. […]
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France | CGT reacts to Labour reform

CGT state­ment


On 31 August, the French gov­ern­ment final­ly pub­lished decrees which alter labour law, for the sec­ond time in lit­tle over a year. Fewer rights for work­ers, more pow­er for employ­ers: that is, in a nut­shell, the con­tents of this new law.

This fur­ther social retrench­ment goes much fur­ther than the pre­vi­ous reform (so-​called “El-​Khomri Law”), although the El-​Khomri Law was explic­it­ly con­demned by the United Nations as con­trary to France’s inter­na­tion­al Commitments1 and against which a com­plaint has been lodged with the International Labour Organisation2.

Under the pre­text of effi­cien­cy – but more so in order to reduce to nil any in-​depth dis­cus­sion and restrict protests – this pro-​employer reform has been adopt­ed through a fast-​track process, i.e. […]
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