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Policy View Aer Lingus’s Instruments policy

Smaller musi­cal ins­tru­ments can be taken on board as part of your free cabin bag­ga­ge allo­wan­ce. They must be small enough to fit in the overhead loc­ker or under the seat in front of you. They must also fit within the follo­wing dimen­sions: • Aer Lingus flights 55cm H (21.5″) x 40cm W (15.5″) x 24cm L (9.5″) • Aer Lingus Regional flights 48cm H (18.5″) x 33cm W (13″) x 20cm L (8″)

Cabin seat

Musical ins­tru­ments that are lar­ger than the per­mit­ted cabin bag­ga­ge size, e.g. a gui­tar, and if you wish to carry the item in the cabin, you can pur­cha­se an addi­tio­nal (win­dow) seat for the ins­tru­ment onli­ne, and nor­mal char­ges and taxes will apply.

However, plea­se be awa­re that the­re is no bag­ga­ge allo­wan­ce asso­cia­ted with the addi­tio­nal seat pur­cha­sed for the instrument.

The ins­tru­ment should be boo­ked in the family name of the guest and the first or given name being ‘ONE’ and that of the ins­tru­ment e.g. ‘SMITH/​ONE CELLO MS’ or ‘SMITH/​ONE SAXOPHONE MR’.

The weight of the ins­tru­ment, inclu­ding its carry case, must not exceed 75kg/​165lbs

It must also fit within the follo­wing dimensions:
94cm H (37″) x 58cm W (23″) x 41cm L (16″)

Instruments that do not fit within the­se dimen­sions or weight limits must be chec­ked in as bag­ga­ge (see below).

If you’­re tra­ve­lling with Aer Lingus Regional: plea­se check in at the air­port of depar­tu­re ins­tead of chec­king in onli­ne. This is so the check-​in agent can deter­mi­ne the exact weight of the ins­tru­ment, inclu­ding its carry case, and ensu­re that the seat next to you is bloc­ked and reser­ved only for the instrument.


For flights ope­ra­ting to/​from North America, musi­cal equip­ment is carried as part of the stan­dard bag­ga­ge allo­wan­ce. For all other flights a fee applies. This fee will be char­ged at the same rate as sports equip­ment (€40 /​£32 onli­ne or €50 /​£40 via Guest Services Centre /​Airport). Normal excess bag­ga­ge rates will also apply if applicable.

Last upda­te 13-​Mar-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to sha­re your expe­rien­ce as a tra­ve­ller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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