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Policy View China Eastern’s Regular bag­ga­ge policy

(EN) If the weight and size of your small musi­cal ins­tru­ment meet the Company’s rules for Carry-​on Baggage, it could be accep­ted as your carry-​on bag­ga­ge item, bring into the cabin and be easily fit in the overhead bin.

Cabin seat

If you wish to carry any musi­cal ins­tru­ment or diplo­ma­tic bag onboard that must occupy another pas­sen­ger seat, it will be char­ged at 100% of the full one-​way adult fare for the tra­vel class you choo­se bet­ween the points of travel.
One seat should not exceed 78kgs.

Your cabin bag­ga­ge and other chec­ked bag­ga­ge shall be weighed separately.

Since spe­cial arran­ge­ments are requi­red to accom­mo­da­te your bulky bag­ga­ge, you MUST inform our reser­va­tions offi­ce when you make your booking.



When the musi­cal ins­tru­ment is accep­ted as Checked Baggage, one musi­cal ins­tru­ment and its pac­ka­ge are con­si­de­red as one set of musi­cal instrument.

(i)Weight con­cept Baggage

The weight of both musi­cal ins­tru­ment and its pac­ka­ge are con­si­de­red as the weight of the ins­tru­ment. Excess bag­ga­ge fees will be char­ged on the basis of total excess part of the weight of the ins­tru­ment plus the weight of the other baggage.

(ii)Piece con­cept Baggage

For each pas­sen­ger, only one set of musi­cal ins­tru­ment could be inclu­ded in free bag­ga­ge allowance.

Over-​piece bag­ga­ge:

One set of musi­cal ins­tru­ment is con­si­de­red as one pie­ce of bag­ga­ge. If the set of musi­cal ins­tru­ment exceed stan­dard checked-​baggage allo­wan­ce, of which the weight and size of the set of musi­cal ins­tru­ment meets the Company’s rules for checked-​baggage, over-​piece bag­ga­ge fees will apply to the item in accor­dan­ce with the highest Over-​piece bag­ga­ge rate published by the Company.

Overweight bag­ga­ge

Overweight bag­ga­ge fees will apply for items in accor­dan­ce with the stan­dard bag­ga­ge fees rules.

Oversized bag­ga­ge fees will not apply for items.

Last upda­te 29-​Ago-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to sha­re your expe­rien­ce as a tra­ve­ller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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