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Policy View Croatia Airlines’s Regular bag­ga­ge policy
Cabin seat

On making your flight reser­va­tion don’t for­get to spe­cify the type of sports equip­ment, musi­cal ins­tru­ment or other uns­tan­dar­di­zed bag­ga­ge you will be taking with you. Transportation of such bag­ga­ge is char­ged accor­ding to spe­cial tariffs. So as to make sure your pri­ce­less musi­cal ins­tru­ment will not suf­fer any dama­ge during the flight, we advi­se you to pur­cha­se an addi­tio­nal tic­ket for it so you can pla­ce it on a seat next to you.

Last upda­te 29-​Ago-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to sha­re your expe­rien­ce as a tra­ve­ller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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