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Policy View Alaska Airlines’s Instruments policy

Small musi­cal ins­tru­ments may count as your one carry-​on bag and may exceed the Standard carry-​on dimen­sions, as long as they can be safely accom­mo­da­ted in a pro­per sto­wa­ge com­part­ment in the cabin of the aircraft.

Cabin seat

If you’d pre­fer to have your lar­ge ins­tru­ment tra­vel with you in the cabin, you can pur­cha­se a seat for it. Please review our Cabin seat bag­ga­ge infor­ma­tion for details.


Checking your instrument

We’re happy to accept musi­cal ins­tru­ments as chec­ked bag­ga­ge, pro­vi­ded each pie­ce is pac­ked in a case desig­ned spe­ci­fi­cally for the equip­ment. If your tra­vel inclu­des mul­ti­ple air­li­nes, other res­tric­tions may apply.

Each ins­tru­ment is sub­ject to the follo­wing checked-​baggage ser­vi­ce fees and overweight/​oversize fees:

Musical ins­tru­ment weight table
Musical ins­tru­ment weight Fee per item
50 lbs. or less Standard chec­ked bag­ga­ge fees
51 – 165 lbs. $75 (USD)
Musical ins­tru­ment bag dimen­sions table
Musical ins­tru­ment
bag dimensions
Fee per item
Up to 62″ (linear) Standard chec­ked bag­ga­ge fees
63 – 150″ (linear)
Alaska Airlines flights 1 – 999 only
$75 (USD)
63 – 115″ (linear)
Alaska Airlines flights 2000 – 2999
and 3420 – 3499
$75 (USD)

On Alaska Airlines flight series 1 – 999 the maxi­mum com­bi­ned linear dimen­sions of a chec­ked musi­cal ins­tru­ment may not exceed 150 inches (length + height + width). On Alaska Airlines flight series 2000 – 2999 and 3300 – 3499 the maxi­mum com­bi­ned linear dimen­sions may not exceed 115 inches (length + height + width).

Last upda­te 13-​Mar-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to sha­re your expe­rien­ce as a tra­ve­ller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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