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Policy View Ita Airways’s Instruments policy

All musi­cal ins­tru­ments the sum of who­se dimen­sions (height, width, length) does not exceed 115 cm and who­se length does not exceed 115 cm, and with a maxi­mum weight of 8 kg, can be carried free of char­ge on board, in a spe­cial hard case, ins­tead of hand luggage.

Cabin seat

Instruments, such as cellos, which do not exceed the follo­wing dimen­sions: 52×40×135 cm (width, depth, height) and weight of 55 kg, must be carried on board by paying for a seat in the cabin (this ser­vi­ce is not avai­la­ble for pas­sen­gers tra­ve­lling with a Light Fare). The boo­king must be made at least 48 hours befo­re the day of departure.

Cellos can be carried on board by paying for a seat in the cabin. The boo­king must be made at least 48 hours befo­re the day of departure.

In such cases, the ins­tru­ment must be trans­por­ted insi­de a hard case that does not weigh more than 32 kg (inclu­ding the case) and does not exceed the follo­wing dimensions:

  • 52 cm wide
  • 40 cm deep
  • 135 cm high

These mea­su­re­ments inclu­de the base sup­port (if it can­not be removed).

The cello should be trans­por­ted in an upright posi­tion and pla­ced in a seat near the win­dow and next to the passenger.

You must go to the check-​in desk with your cello at least 60-​minutes befo­re the check-​in time limit. Tickets for cellos can only be bought by con­tac­ting the call centre.

The fare for a sin­gle cello is the same as the fare for an adult tic­ket in Economy Class. This ser­vi­ce is not avai­la­ble for pas­sen­gers tra­ve­lling with a Light fare ticket.

For more infor­ma­tion, plea­se con­tact Baggage Assistance.


Musical ins­tru­ments mea­su­ring less than 115 cm in length and weighing less than 8‑kg are clas­sed as nor­mal hand bag­ga­ge. Instruments excee­ding this size and weight must ins­tead be trans­por­ted as chec­ked baggage.

If you choo­se to or need to trans­port ins­tru­ments in the hold, you must inform the Customer Center 48 hours befo­re departure.

The trans­por­ta­tion of ins­tru­ments in the hold is sub­ject to the nor­mal excess bag­ga­ge fees.

Last upda­te 01-​Sep-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to sha­re your expe­rien­ce as a tra­ve­ller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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