Abonarse a la Newsletter

Janne Schaffer: “It is time for airlines to be fair to music performers”

Janne Schaffer (Sweden)

Janne Schaffer is a Swedish gui­tar pla­yer. He pla­yed in 55 ABBA tracks, published 12 solo albums and took part in more than 5,000 sound recor­ding sessions.

“As is the case with most pro­fes­sio­nal gui­tar pla­yers, I cons­tantly tra­vel abroad.

There is actually no other way for a musi­cian to deve­lop an inter­na­tio­nal repu­tation: you must be ready to move as soon as your pho­ne rings, espe­cially at the begin­ning of your career.

But there’s a pro­blem… You think you’re well pre­pa­red becau­se you’ve been prac­ti­cing 12 hours a day 7 days a week and your public will love your pla­ying. But you’re not qui­te ready yet: you need to be autho­ri­sed to fly with your ins­tru­ment in the cabin and that is often a big challenge…

A musi­cal ins­tru­ment is not a pie­ce of luggage

A musi­cal ins­tru­ment is not a pie­ce of lug­ga­ge. Not at all. I and my collea­gues regard it as part of the musician’s body that you can’t allow to be trans­por­ted in the car­go hold of a pla­ne. It is abso­lu­tely vital to pro­fes­sio­nal musi­cians that appro­pria­te rules apply to all air­li­ne com­pa­nies which ensu­re that they recei­ve a fair treat­ment when tra­ve­lling on pla­nes with their instruments.

I strongly sup­port the FIM cam­paign and encou­ra­ge all musi­cians to do the same. I also urge European Commissioner Siim Kallas to lis­ten to our request. It is time for air­li­nes to be fair to music performers!”

Janne Schaffer

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