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Janne Schaffer : « Il est temps que les compagnies aériennes traitent décemment les musiciens »

Janne Schaffer (Sweden)

Janne Schaffer est un gui­ta­riste sué­dois. Il a joué dans 55 mor­ceaux du groupe ABBA, publié 12 albums solo et pris part à plus de 5.000 enregistrements.

« As is the case with most pro­fes­sio­nal gui­tar players, I constant­ly tra­vel abroad.

There is actual­ly no other way for a musi­cian to deve­lop an inter­na­tio­nal repu­ta­tion : you must be rea­dy to move as soon as your phone rings, espe­cial­ly at the begin­ning of your career.

But there’s a pro­blem… You think you’re well pre­pa­red because you’ve been prac­ti­cing 12 hours a day 7 days a week and your public will love your playing. But you’re not quite rea­dy yet : you need to be autho­ri­sed to fly with your ins­tru­ment in the cabin and that is often a big challenge…

Un ins­tru­ment de musique n’est pas un simple bagage

A musi­cal ins­tru­ment is not a piece of lug­gage. Not at all. I and my col­leagues regard it as part of the musician’s body that you can’t allow to be trans­por­ted in the car­go hold of a plane. It is abso­lu­te­ly vital to pro­fes­sio­nal musi­cians that appro­priate rules apply to all air­line com­pa­nies which ensure that they receive a fair treat­ment when tra­vel­ling on planes with their instruments.

I stron­gly sup­port the FIM cam­pai­gn and encou­rage all musi­cians to do the same. I also urge European Commissioner Siim Kallas to lis­ten to our request. It is time for air­lines to be fair to music performers ! »

Janne Schaffer

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