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Live performance

The Committee was estab­lished in 1999.

Activities and Meetings
Visit the library of work pro­grammes, agen­das, min­utes and oth­er doc­u­men­ta­tion from the sec­toral social dia­logue committee.

The sec­tor cov­ers artis­tic and lit­er­ary cre­ation, inter­pre­ta­tion, oper­a­tion of arts facil­i­ties, fair and amuse­ment parks and oth­er enter­tain­ment activ­i­ties in direct con­tact with the pub­lic. More than 700 000 work­ers are employed in the sector.

The slow growth or even decline in pub­lic sub­si­dies in EU coun­tries in recent years has put the bud­gets of many estab­lished per­form­ing arts organ­i­sa­tions under pres­sure. By its nature, the live per­for­mance sec­tor sees sig­nif­i­cant geo­graph­i­cal mobil­i­ty. However, the European social part­ners con­sid­er that there is still no sat­is­fac­to­ry response to the prob­lems of visas, work per­mits, res­i­dence, recog­ni­tion of diplo­mas, sta­tus of artists in terms of social pro­tec­tion and tax­a­tion. This aris­es from dis­par­i­ties in leg­is­la­tion between European countries.

The social part­ners signed a joint dec­la­ra­tion in May 2000 on life­long learn­ing. They have launched a three-​year project on job cre­ation and pro­mo­tion, aimed at iden­ti­fy­ing and pub­li­cis­ing good prac­tices, mea­sures and ini­tia­tives intro­duced in the pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tors. They are also pur­su­ing action aimed at devel­op­ing the social dia­logue in the new Member States and can­di­date coun­tries. With this in mind, they signed a dec­la­ra­tion in Tallinn in April 2004 and held a series of con­fer­ences in Estonia, Hungary and Poland in 2005 and 2006.

[Read more]
• Framework of action on skills (2023) PDF
• Joint call for a coor­di­nat­ed action plan to over­come the impact of the ener­gy cri­sis (Dec. 2022) PDF
• Joint call for a coor­di­nat­ed action plan to secure the recov­ery and sus­tain­abil­i­ty of the European cul­tur­al sec­tor (Oct. 2020) PDF
• Covid19: State of emer­gency in the live per­for­mance sec­tor! (Mar. 2020) PDF
• Call to EU lead­ers and UK gov­ern­ment — Cultural mobil­i­ty and cross-​border cul­tur­al coop­er­a­tion must be pre­served in future rela­tions (Jan. 2020) PDF
• Joint Declaration on the occa­sion of the 20th anniver­sary of the SSDC Live Performance (Oct. 2019) PDF
• Joint state­ment on the pro­posed revi­sions to the EU action plan on ivory (Feb. 2019) PDF
• Joint state­ment on European Parliament Vote on visas (Dec. 2018) PDF
• Joint state­ment regard­ing the poten­tial impact of Brexit on the sec­tor (Dec. 2018) PDF
• Joint state­ment regard­ing the revi­sion of the EU light­ing reg­u­la­tions (Jul. 2018) PDF
• Joint state­ment regard­ing the revi­sion of the visa code (Jul. 2017) PDF
• Joint let­ter regard­ing the tax­a­tion of per­form­ing artists (Jul. 2017) PDF
• The prime role of cul­ture and the arts in soci­ety (Feb. 2016) PDF
• Innovative devel­op­ments and good prac­tices that pro­mote and safe­guard employ­ment in the live per­form­ing arts sec­tor in sev­en EU coun­tries (2001) PDF

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