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FIM-​Pearle* hands-​on guide to CITES

FIM CITES Handbook (EN)

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) impos­es a cer­tain num­ber of oblig­a­tions on those trav­el­ling with an object which, whol­ly or par­tial­ly, comes from a pro­tect­ed ani­mal or plant species. Musical instru­ments con­tain­ing ivory, ebony, rose­wood or a species belong­ing to the Dalbergiae fam­i­ly are con­cerned by these measures.

Together with oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tive organ­i­sa­tions (music ensem­bles, instru­ment mak­ers…), FIM has been active for sev­er­al years to see that restric­tions cov­ered by CITES do not jeop­ar­dize musi­cal activ­i­ties which are in no way respon­si­ble for threats to fau­na and flo­ra. Together we have been suc­cess­ful in rais­ing aware­ness among mem­bers of CITES to the sit­u­a­tion pecu­liar to the music sec­tor and in obtain­ing com­pro­mise provisions.

Given the com­plex­i­ty of applic­a­ble rules, with­in the scope of the European per­form­ing arts sec­toral social dia­logue, FIM et Pearle* have decid­ed to draft a hands-​on guide for musi­cians and music ensem­bles. This doc­u­ment sets out and explains oblig­a­tions stem­ming from the imple­men­ta­tion of CITES and the pre­cau­tions that need to be tak­en when trav­el­ling or going on tour with instru­ments that may con­tain ele­ments com­ing from pro­tect­ed species.

The FIM-​Pearle* guide is intend­ed both for musi­cians and direc­tors of music ensem­bles. It is down­load­able in PDF for­mat. The European Commission, which has fol­lowed, encour­aged and val­i­dat­ed this guide, has kind­ly accept­ed to car­ry out a trans­la­tion into German, Spanish and French.

See also: https://​trav​el​ing​-with​-instru​ments​.eu/

Italian ver­sion
Download the Italian ver­sion of the guide in PDF

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