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Inter-​sessional meeting of the WIPO SCCR (Geneva, Oct. 17 – 19, 2012)

On the occa­sion of an inter-​sessional meet­ing of the WIPO-​SCCR, a coali­tion bring­ing togeth­er FIM and 18 oth­er righthold­er organ­i­sa­tions in the cre­ative sec­tor issued a joint state­ment con­cern­ing a pos­si­ble future inter­na­tion­al instru­ment to facil­i­tate access of the visually-​impaired to books and oth­er works of a tex­tu­al nature.

This state­ment, which rec­og­nizes the rel­e­vance of ongo­ing work con­cern­ing the rights of the visually-​impaired, requests mem­ber states to pre­serve the exist­ing inter­na­tion­al frame­work where copy­right is con­cerned and, in par­tic­u­lar, re-​assert the prin­ci­ple of the three-​step test as a pri­or con­di­tion to rec­og­niz­ing any lim­i­ta­tion or excep­tion to this right.

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