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Policy View Air India’s Regular bag­gage policy

Small musi­cal instru­ments may be car­ried in the air­craft cab­in, sub­ject to being with­in the stip­u­lat­ed cab­in bag­gage dimen­sions /​weight. The bag­gage is sub­ject to secu­ri­ty clear­ances for car­riage in the cabin.

Cabin seat

Passengers can pur­chase an Extra Seat to accom­mo­date spe­cial seat­ing needs due to per­son­al com­fort, size or dis­abil­i­ty for each seg­ment of the itinerary.

The extra seat for the required por­tion of the jour­ney or the entire jour­ney may be pur­chased in advance at the time of book­ing the orig­i­nal tick­et. The charge for the extra seat would be the same fare as your orig­i­nal seat if both seats are pur­chased simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, except for the gov­ern­ment tax­es and air­port levies.

An extra seat can only be pur­chased sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty of seats only and can also be pur­chased sub­se­quent­ly from the city book­ing office or at the air­port of depar­ture on the date of travel.
The Extra Seat book­ing is only for accom­mo­dat­ing the spe­cial seat­ing needs of the pas­sen­ger and can­not be used for trans­porta­tion of any items of baggage.

Passengers can take a max­i­mum of two extra seats.

For inter­na­tion­al trav­el, pas­sen­gers hav­ing extra seat book­ing will get only 1 sin­gle check-​in bag­gage allowance and not get any extra/​additional cab­in or check-​in bag­gage allowance.

For Domestic trav­el, pas­sen­gers buy­ing one addi­tion­al seat will be allowed an addi­tion­al 15K of Check-​in bag­gage allowance over and above their nor­mal Free Baggage Allowance

Passengers buy­ing 2 extra seats will be allowed an addi­tion­al 25kg of check-​in bag­gage allowance over and above their nor­mal FBA.

Extra seat option not avail­able on Air India Code-​share flights (includ­ing AI express).


Under nor­mal cir­cum­stances pas­sen­gers will not be per­mit­ted to car­ry bulky musi­cal instru­ments or oth­er frag­ile items in the cab­in, as these items incon­ve­nience oth­er pas­sen­gers and can be a pos­si­ble safe­ty risk /​haz­ard in the case of tur­bu­lent weath­er or emergencies.

Passengers are required to pack these items ade­quate­ly for car­riage in the air­craft hold as checked bag­gage. However, when the pack­ing is not ade­quate for the car­riage in the hold, a Limited Release Tag shall be used and passenger’s sig­na­ture obtained on the same before accept­ing the items with­out any lia­bil­i­ty to Air India. In order to iden­ti­fy and ensure that the bag­gage con­tain­ing frag­ile items viz., glass­ware, del­i­cate instru­ments, etc. is han­dled with care and atten­tion, the spe­cial ‘FRAGILE’ labels will be attached by Air India check-​in agent.

Last update 13-​Mar-​2023
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