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Policy View Asiana Airlines’s Instruments policy

Instruments like vio­lins that have com­bined dimen­sions (length, width, and height) of less than 115 cm can be car­ried on board free of charge (must be able to store them inside the cab­in or under the seat in front of you).

Cabin seat

Large and valu­able instru­ments, such as cel­los or gui­tars, may be car­ried on board if you pur­chase an addi­tion­al seat.

The total length of musi­cal instru­ment cas­es car­ried on board after you have pur­chased an addi­tion­al seat must be short­er than 155 cm (Cello cas­es must be short­er than 150 cm in length).

For inquiries on pur­chas­ing an addi­tion­al seat for the instru­ment, please con­tact the Asiana Airlines reser­va­tion cen­ter and inquire about reser­va­tions for carry-​on instru­ments and flight tick­et issuance.


Since instru­ments are sus­cep­ti­ble to dam­age, we rec­om­mend you car­ry the instru­ment with you on board, pur­chase an addi­tion­al seat, or check it in as cargo.

To min­i­mize the risk of dam­age, please use hard cas­es and fill them with cush­ion­ing material.

Excess bag­gage charges will be applied should the total num­ber of bags (instru­ments and oth­er checked bag­gage), size, or weight exceed the bag­gage allowance lim­it for free check-in.

Last update 13-​Mar-​2023
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