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Policy View Aurigny Channel Islands’s Instruments policy


  1. The car­riage of musi­cal instru­ments in the cab­in is always strict­ly at the Captain’s discretion.
  2. Musical instru­ments should always be prop­er­ly pack­aged in a suit­able pro­tec­tive and/​or ide­al­ly hard-​shelled con­tain­er specif­i­cal­ly designed for ship­ping such instruments.
  3. The num­ber of musi­cal instru­ments that can be accom­mo­dat­ed on each flight is limited.
  4. When a stringed instru­ment is trans­port­ed by air, it may be exposed to dra­mat­ic changes in tem­per­a­ture and pres­sure, which can cause the instrument’s head­stocks to crack or snap off. To pre­vent pos­si­ble dam­age, it is the customer’s respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure that the strings are loos­ened so that the ten­sion is reduced.
  5. Please ensure that your instru­ments are cov­ered by ade­quate insur­ance. Instruments and their cas­es are car­ried on a Limited Release Basis and not cov­ered by air­line insurance.

Small musi­cal instruments 
Unfortunately, small instru­ments includ­ing vio­lins and vio­las, can­not be car­ried in the cab­in of the Dornier air­craft as there are no over­head lock­ers to store them. Small musi­cal instru­ments are per­mit­ted in the cab­in or our oth­er air­craft types as long as they do not exceed the max­i­mum cab­in bag size require­ments (max­i­mum 20 cm x 36 cm x 55 cm). Please note the instru­ment will be classed as one of your two pieces of cab­in baggage.

Violins/​Violas (and oth­er sim­i­lar shaped instruments)
These instru­ments may be per­mit­ted on-​board Aurigny oper­at­ed flights as cab­in bag­gage as long as the instru­ment, includ­ing its case, doesn’t exceed 20cm x 36cm x 100cm. Carriage as cab­in bag­gage is sub­ject to avail­able space in the over­head lock­ers. Please note the instru­ment will be classed as your larg­er piece of cab­in baggage.

Cabin seat

Medium-​sized instru­ments such as Cellos, Guitars and Harps can usu­al­ly be car­ried in the cab­in pro­vid­ed an addi­tion­al seat(s) is pur­chased, and they can be secured safe­ly. They may be car­ried in the aircraft’s cab­in pro­vid­ed that:

The instru­ment in its case must:

• Not be wider than the width of the pas­sen­ger seat (approx. 48cms); it must not exceed 32kg in weight and the cen­tre of mass must not be more than 30cm above seat cush­ion. It must also fit with­in the floor space between the seat and the seat in front (approx. 20cm). It must rest on the floor and not sit on top of the seat.

• Be posi­tioned by the win­dow and not an aisle seat, be prop­er­ly secured by air­craft safe­ty lap strap and not be in a seat in an emer­gency exit row.

On our ATR and Embraer jet air­craft, two addi­tion­al seats can be pur­chased for wider instru­ments that do not fit with­in the width of one seat.

Due to the size and con­fig­u­ra­tion of our Dornier air­craft, only one seat can be pur­chased for an instru­ment and you will be seat­ed in row 9 and you must sit next to the instru­ment. It can­not be wider than the seat and the height must not exceed the size of the seat.

If the instru­ment does not fit in the cab­in as out­lined above, it will have to be placed in the hold of the air­craft and will be treat­ed from that point on as checked bag­gage and returned to you at bag­gage reclaim.

For tall instru­ments: If the instru­ment extends sig­nif­i­cant­ly above the seat back and restricts the view of anoth­er pas­sen­ger, the seats should be pur­chased in the back row of the aircraft.

To make a booking:

• A seat can be pur­chased (via the call cen­tre 01481 267267) for the instru­ment and the seat(s) booked must be ded­i­cat­ed for that item only. Hand bag­gage allowance is not allo­cat­ed to an instru­ment in a seat.

• The pas­sen­ger must trav­el on the same flight and in the adja­cent seat, i.e. it is not pos­si­ble for the instru­ment to not be accompanied;

PLEASE NOTE: Aurigny rec­om­mends you have ade­quate insur­ance to cov­er such items. Instruments and their cas­es are car­ried on a Limited Release Basis and not cov­ered by air­line insurance.


All oth­er musi­cal instruments

For all oth­er large musi­cal instru­ments such as dou­ble bass, drum kits, etc. there is no option to pur­chase a seat as these instru­ments are too large and heavy. They will need to be pre­pared and prop­er­ly pack­aged for car­riage in the air­craft hold and checked in as per nor­mal hold baggage.

In order to meet Customs and Security require­ments, instru­ments that have trav­elled in the hold will be returned to the pas­sen­ger in the bag­gage reclaim area.

These instru­ments will be car­ried on a stand­by basis only (i.e. only car­ried if there is space in the aircraft’s holds after all passenger’s nor­mal bag­gage has been accom­mo­dat­ed) and fees will apply (see sec­tion on fees). They are also car­ried on a lim­it­ed release basis. This means, in the event of acci­den­tal dam­age in tran­sit, the cost of the items will not be cov­ered by the airline.

PLEASE NOTE: Aurigny rec­om­mends you have ade­quate insur­ance to cov­er such items.

If you have any ques­tions on this pol­i­cy or require clar­i­fi­ca­tion, please con­tact our Reservations and Customer Services team on 01481 267267.

Last update 13-​Mar-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to share your expe­ri­ence as a trav­eller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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