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Policy View China Southern’s Regular bag­gage policy

The weight of such items shall not be includ­ed in the free lug­gage allowance but shall be sep­a­rate­ly charged as excess lug­gage. For small musi­cal instru­ments like gui­tars and vio­lins (no more than 100 cm in length, 40 cm in width and 75 kg in weight) in pas­sen­gers’ carry-​on lug­gage, the reg­u­la­tions for cab­in lug­gage shall apply.

Tips: The cab­in lug­gage will be charged in either of the fol­low­ing two meth­ods (the high­er rates shall apply):

<p)>(1) The cab­in lug­gage can be charged as excess lug­gage accord­ing to its total actu­al weight; or

(2) The cab­in lug­gage can be charged as passenger(s) accord­ing to the num­ber of seats occu­pied, the flight mileage and the passenger’s tick­et class.

Cabin seat

1. Size require­ments for CBBG:

(1) Where the bag­gage car­ried by pas­sen­gers to the cab­in exceeds 55cm×40cm×20cm in size and meets the CBBG trans­port stan­dards, the pas­sen­gers shall pur­chase CBBG tick­ets, but the size of CBBG shall not exceed 145cm×50cm×30cm (the max­i­mum applic­a­ble size in ERJ Economy Class is 55cm×40cm×20cm), and the weight should not exceed 75kg.

(1) Where the bag­gage car­ried by pas­sen­gers to the cab­in does not exceed 55cm×40cm×20cm in size, if CBBG tick­ets are still need­ed, please fol­low the applic­a­ble CBBG trans­port rules.

2. Packing require­ments for CBBG

CBBG must be packed prop­er­ly by the pas­sen­ger himself/​her­self; the pack­ag­ing mate­r­i­al must not be made of glass. And if it is an instru­ment, it should be installed with a han­dle out­side for fixation.

3. Arrangement rules for CBBG:

(1) In Economy Class, CBBG shall be arranged in a seat near the win­dow and next to the passenger’s seat. Generally, it is arranged in the last three rows, but if there are no vacant seats in the last three rows, it may be moved for­ward, but not pre­ced­ing the sec­ond row behind the emer­gency exit.

(2) In Business Class and First Class, CBBG will be arranged in a mid­dle or win­dow seat next to the passenger’s seat in rear rows.

(3) In spe­cial cir­cum­stances, for exam­ple, the trav­el of a large orches­tra, the seats are arranged as the case may be.

(4) CBBG shall not impede or obstruct the use of any exit and cab­in pas­sage; it shall not pre­vent oth­er pas­sen­gers from see­ing “fas­ten seat belt”, “no smok­ing” and “exit” lights.

4. Booking of CBBG tickets

To book a CBBG tick­et, the pas­sen­ger should call 95539 or vis­it the tick­et offices direct­ly under China Southern Airlines 72 hours before the flight depar­ture to make a request and reser­va­tion with the cus­tomer ser­vice staff. Only after the con­fir­ma­tion by China Southern Airlines may CBBG be transported.

For pas­sen­gers who car­ry large musi­cal instru­ments and oth­er bag­gage, and need to pur­chase CBBG tick­ets, but fail to make reser­va­tions 72 hours in advance, if the flight has a spec­i­fied loca­tion for CBBG, the pas­sen­gers may pur­chase CBBG tick­ets on spot; if there is no spec­i­fied loca­tion, the pas­sen­gers have to resched­ule to oth­er China Southern flights or give up such requests.

5. Billing rules for CBBG

(1) CBBG shall be at the same phys­i­cal class (i.e. ser­vice class) as the pas­sen­ger’s. CBBG shall be charged accord­ing to the applic­a­ble fare for the num­ber of seats actu­al­ly occu­pied by the CBBG. The applic­a­ble tax is charged based on the actu­al num­ber of pas­sen­gers on board.

(2) Advanced seat selec­tion is inap­plic­a­ble to CBBG. The seat is des­ig­nat­ed by the sys­tem or by the man­u­al counter.

(3) There is no free bag­gage allowance for CBBG.

(4) Baggage val­ue state­ment is inap­plic­a­ble to CBBG. The pas­sen­ger shall bear the respon­si­bil­i­ty for pro­tect­ing and stor­ing CBBG.

(5) CBBG can­not be joint­ly trans­port­ed with oth­er airlines.

(6) Mileage is not accrued for CBBG.

(7) Extra Seat is inap­plic­a­ble to CBBG.

Last update 29-​Aug-​2023
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