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Policy View Tarom’s Regular bag­gage policy

Objects that the pas­sen­ger con­sid­ers not suit­able for car­riage in the car­go com­part­ment (such as del­i­cate musi­cal instru­ments and the like) will only be accept­ed for car­riage in the cab­in com­part­ment if due notice has been giv­en in advance and per­mis­sion grant­ed by Carrier.

The car­riage of such objects may be charged sep­a­rate­ly. Baggage that the pas­sen­ger car­ries onto the air­craft must fit under the seat in front of the pas­sen­ger or in an enclosed stor­age com­part­ment in the cab­in that is avail­able for use by the passenger.

Cabin seat

Passengers trav­el­ling in wheel­chairs or with limbs in plas­ter casts, unac­com­pa­nied minors, visu­al­ly or hear­ing impaired pas­sen­gers, pas­sen­gers trav­el­ling with a musi­cal instru­ment or with assis­tance dog (guide dog), or those who have pur­chased an addi­tion­al seat for com­fort, pas­sen­gers trav­el­ling on stretch­ers or oxy­gen will be enti­tled to free seat reser­va­tion in advance, irre­spec­tive of the fare pur­chased, pro­vid­ed they inform the trav­el agent that they fall into the above cat­e­go­ry and it is rec­om­mend­ed that the seat reser­va­tion be made at the same time as the tick­et is issued.


TAROM’s pol­i­cy regard­ing musi­cal instru­ments trav­el­ling on an extra seat is not 100% clear. We rec­om­mend check­ing these pro­vi­sions with the air­line in advance of your trip.

Last update 08-​Sep-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to share your expe­ri­ence as a trav­eller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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