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Defend the Right to Strike! take action on 18 Feb. 2015

Defend the right to strike

FIM is join­ing the ITF, ITUC, PSI and oth­er GUFs in call­ing for unions to act in defence of the right to strike, which is under attack by employ­er groups at the ILO.

Here’s what you can do on 18 February and up to the ILO Governing Body meet­ing which starts 12 March:

Organise social media actions — using the hash­tag #right2strike. Watch out for visu­als which we will send out for shar­ing, post­ing and retweeting
 Hold work­place meetings
 Hold pub­lic meet­ings with lead­ers from gov­ern­ment, judi­cia­ry and human rights groups
 Lobby gov­ern­ments and par­lia­men­tary representatives
 Organise pub­lic demonstrations
 Protest out­side gov­ern­ment offices where gov­ern­ments oppose the right to strike (or refer­ral to the rule of law through the ICJ)
 Protest against employ­ers’ organisations
 Request espe­cial­ly urgent dis­cus­sions with gov­ern­ments and employ­ers if they sit on the ILO Governing Body
 Send a let­ter to your Government

E‑mail us and we will pub­li­cise what you do.

The right to strike is a basic human right, which was won through strug­gle – yet all over the world, this right is under attack. ITF unions exer­cis­ing the right to indus­tri­al action are rou­tine­ly met with repres­sive mea­sures rang­ing from sack­ings, deten­tions and arrests to vio­lence and even mur­der. The ITUC’s Global Rights Index shows that the right to strike is fre­quent­ly restrict­ed in law and vio­lat­ed in prac­tice around the world.

Right now, the International Labour Organisation’s mech­a­nisms are under fire. The ILO is made up of three groups – employ­ers, work­ers and gov­ern­ments. The employ­ers’ group has chal­lenged the very exis­tence of the right to strike estab­lished under ILO Convention 87. The work­ers’ group is respond­ing by ask­ing for an opin­ion from the International Court of Justice on the right to strike in inter­na­tion­al law.

This key deci­sion on this refer­ral was due to be made at ILO Governing Body in November. Instead, the Governing Body asked for fur­ther tri­par­tite dis­cus­sions on the right to strike, to be report­ed to its meet­ing in March for deci­sion then.

Chair of the work­ers’ group Luc Cortebeeck said; “Either we recog­nise the right to strike estab­lished under Convention 87, or we refer the dis­pute to the International Court of Justice”.

 Download the cam­paign logo
 Read the ITF brief­ing (Jan 2015)
 Download the fact sheet
 Read the ITUC newsletter

http://​www​.ilo​.org/​g​b​/​l​ang – en/index.htm
There can be no com­pro­mise on the right to strike

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