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Egyptian Musicians’ Union disregards fundamental rights

Hani ShakerDownload the state­ment in PDF

For sev­er­al years now, the Egyptian Musicians’ Union and its President Hani Shaker have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly attacked the mahra­ganat, a music genre born in the country’s poor­est neigh­bour­hoods that enjoys grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty among young people.

The union’s enforce­ment pow­er allows it to ban from the Egyptian scene all artists devi­at­ing from its cul­tur­al and moral stan­dards, with offend­ers expos­ing them­selves to heavy fines and prison sentences.

In 2016, six female singers were sus­pend­ed from their right to per­form because of “body reveal­ing clothes” and “sex­u­al­ly sug­ges­tive” danc­ing on stage.

In 2019, Egyptian singer Hassan Shakosh suf­fered the wrath of Hani Shaker, the lyrics of one of his songs being deemed immoral (“I will drown my sor­rows in alco­hol and smoke hashish”).

The sig­na­to­ry organ­i­sa­tions firm­ly con­demn the repeat­ed attacks by the Egyptian Musicians’ Union on the fun­da­men­tal rights of its members

In 2020, Shaker ruled that mahra­ganat singers would no longer be allowed to work in Egypt and would be denied licences to per­form any­where in the country.

On November 17, 2021, Shaker announced his deci­sion to ban nine­teen mahra­ganat artists from per­form­ing through­out Egypt, sub­ject to heavy penal­ties. The union says this music genre pos­es “a greater threat to soci­ety than covid-​19” and is cur­rent­ly try­ing to remove it from youtube entirely.

These are only a few exam­ples of Shaker’s ruth­less harass­ment pol­i­cy towards his own affiliates.

The Egyptian Musicians’ Union’s cen­sor­ship of artists con­sti­tutes a clear vio­la­tion of the right to free­dom of expres­sion, a right explic­it­ly recog­nised by Article 1 of the ILO Constitution via the Declaration of Philadelphia of May 10, 1944, which is attached to it.

The sig­na­to­ry organ­i­sa­tions firm­ly con­demn the repeat­ed attacks by the Egyptian Musicians’ Union on the fun­da­men­tal rights of its mem­bers and urge it to break with these prac­tices, which are incom­pat­i­ble with the labour movement’s most ele­men­tary principles.

This state­ment is signed by:

• International Arts and Entertainment Alliance (IAEA)
• International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
• International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
• Education International (EI)
• International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF)
• IndustriALL Global Union (IndustriALL)
• Public Services International (PSI)
• Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI)
UNI Global Union

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