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Regional conference on the capacity building of musicians’ unions in Africa

Nairobi, 26 – 29 November 2012 — FIM and Swedish union SMF held a joint region­al con­fer­ence in Nairobi on the capac­i­ty build­ing of African musi­cians’ unions. The con­fer­ence was attend­ed by FIM President John Smith, and brought togeth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tives from 16 African coun­tries, Sweden and Switzerland, as well as British soci­ety PPL. The Swedish Confederation LO-​TCO, which fund­ed the two FIM and SMF projects, was also represented.

A detailed assess­ment of work car­ried out over the past three years was pre­sent­ed and eval­u­at­ed. Tangible results have been mea­sured in all coun­tries where the two projects were involved: Ghana, Senegal, Uganda, Kenya, Guinea, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Malawi and Sierra-Leone. 

In line with LO-​TCO rec­om­men­da­tions, the two projects addressed issues on gen­der equal­i­ty, the fight against HIV-​AIDS, pre­vent­ing con­flicts and pro­tect­ing the envi­ron­ment. Conference con­clu­sions sug­gest that, for future projects, general-​scope and tar­get­ed issues should con­tin­ue to be combined.

During the sec­ond half of the con­fer­ence, the region­al group worked on draft­ing pro­pos­als to boost its dynam­ic impact, in par­tic­u­lar mak­ing more effi­cient use of the exist­ing online plat­form. The group also want­ed to adopt a new acronym (FIM-​AF) and a spe­cif­ic vari­a­tion of the FIM logo. It also adopt­ed a new coor­di­na­tion (Uganda and Senegal) whose role will be set out in writ­ing by the end of 2012.

The excel­lent qual­i­ty of wel­come extend­ed by the Kenyan KEMU organ­i­sa­tion played a key role in the conference’s success.

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