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Streaming: help us change the game!

Rallia Christidou

Whilst music stream­ing busi­ness­es devel­op at a quick pace, per­form­ers are still not reward­ed fair­ly — if at all — when their per­for­mances are exploit­ed online.

Together with three oth­er inter­na­tion­al organ­i­sa­tions (AEPO-​ARTIS, FIA and IAO), FIM is involved in the Fair Internet cam­paign, which is ask­ing for the intro­duc­tion in EU law of a fair and equi­table remu­ner­a­tion to be paid to per­form­ers every time their per­for­mances are used online.

This cam­paign needs your sup­port. Here is what you are request­ed to do
 — Sign the cam­paign peti­tion and share it on social networks.
 — Follow the cam­paign Twitter time­line: @FairInternet4P, retweet its tweets and use hash­tag #FairInternet4Performers in your own tweets.
 — Retrieve infor­ma­tion and doc­u­ments from the Fair Internet web­site and pub­lish them on your website.
 — Ask all your mem­bers to do the same + pub­lish video mes­sages along the fol­low­ing lines:

Send your video mes­sage in 3 steps
1. Download and print the Fair Internet logo (in colors)
2. Take your smart­phone in one hand and the print­ed logo in the oth­er hand, and do a video-​selfie with a mes­sage like this: “My name is [your name], I am a [musician][actor][dancer][…] and I sup­port the Fair Internet campaign”
3. Post your video mes­sage on the Fair Internet face­book page as well as on your Twitter account, using hash­tag #FairInternet4Performers and the Fair Internet han­dle @FairInternet4P

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