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Reminder — YEAH Music Award 2012: Call for applications

YEAH! Young EARopean Award – apply now for 2013!

Second round of the first European com­pe­ti­tion
for music com­mu­ni­ca­tion YEAH!

17th September 2012 saw the start of the next round of the YEAH! Young EARopean Award. Europe’s first com­pe­ti­tion for music com­mu­ni­ca­tion is look­ing for inno­v­a­tive ideas for the musi­cal life of tomor­row. Professional music for­mats for a young audi­ence can be ten­dered until 31st January 2013. With its mot­to “Music con­nects”, YEAH! believes in the transna­tion­al effect of music and its pow­er to broad­en hori­zons. Its win­ners will be cel­e­brat­ed on 14th September 2013 at the YEAH! Festival in Osnabrück.

As of 17th September, projects can be put for­ward for the YEAH! Young EARopean Award and a total of €40,000 prize mon­ey. Calling all orches­tras and ensem­bles, the­atres and con­cert halls, com­posers, musi­cians, libret­tists, authors, teach­ers and artists any­where in Europe offer­ing new stage for­mats as future-​oriented stim­uli for inter­na­tion­al music. Suggestions on out­stand­ing pro­duc­tions for a young audi­ence are also wel­come. The dead­line for propo­si­tions is 31st January 2013.

Applications can be made online and a DVD record­ing is also required.

Information and reg­is­tra­tion at www​.yeah​-award​.com

The awards cer­e­mo­ny will take place on 14th September 2013 as the final high­light of the YEAH! Festival (6th — 14th September) in Osnabrück. The fes­ti­val com­ple­ments the com­pe­ti­tion as a valu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to put young, con­tem­po­rary con­cert for­mats in the spot­light. Musicians and ensem­bles from all over Europe will show region­al and inter­na­tion­al audi­ences that it’s worth rethink­ing how music is pre­sent­ed and put Osnabrück at the cen­tre of European music communication.

The reac­tion to the announce­ment of the YEAH! Award 2011 was resound­ing, with 170 appli­ca­tions from 30 coun­tries. 15 nom­i­na­tions and five win­ners were then pre­sent­ed at the 1st YEAH! Festival in November 2011. A live­ly feast of music with pos­i­tive feed­back both in pro­fes­sion­al cir­cles and from the cit­i­zens of Osnabrück. Good rea­son for the Stahlwerk Georgmarienhütte Trust to once again spon­sor the com­pe­ti­tion. In future, the com­pe­ti­tion for the YEAH! Young EARopean Award will take place every two years. 

The YEAH! Young EARopean Award is a project of the Stahlwerk Georgsmarienhütte Trust and the net­zw­erk junge ohren e.V.

Visit the YEAH! Young EARopean Award online: www​.yeah​-award​.com or www​.face​book​.com/​y​e​a​h​a​w​ard

YEAH! Young EARopean Award
c/​o net­zw­erk junge ohren e.V.
Neue Grünstraße 19
10179 Berlin

Press con­tact:
Katharina von Radowitz
+49 30 53 00 29 45

Contact for appli­ca­tions:
Annelie Pentenrieder
+49 30 53 02 34 19

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