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YEAH! award 2013

YEAH! Young EARopean Award

“Music is part of being human. It is part of our life, is an expres­sion of emo­tions and a bridge to under­stand­ing. Everyone needs it, but every­one also needs a path to it. YEAH! has ded­i­cat­ed itself to these paths.

YEAH! Young EARopean award is the new European com­pe­ti­tion to high­light cre­ative minds and musi­cal ideas that arouse chil­dren and young people’s enthu­si­asm for music beyond youth pop­u­lar cul­ture. The com­pe­ti­tion is look­ing for imag­i­na­tive and inno­v­a­tive pro­grammes that real­ly engage chil­dren and young peo­ple cre­ative­ly in music whether with­in the west­ern clas­si­cal music tra­di­tion and/​or oth­er music tra­di­tions with dif­fer­ent cul­tur­al roots. By bring­ing togeth­er peo­ple from dif­fer­ent coun­tries and diverse musi­cal tra­di­tions this award aims to devel­op an under­stand­ing of each oth­ers’ cul­tur­al roots and tra­di­tions: music as an expres­sion of iden­ti­ty which is able to cross bor­ders with­out words.

YEAH! is addressed to orches­tras and ensem­bles, the­aters and con­cert halls, com­posers, musi­cians, libret­tists, authors, ped­a­gogues, and artists through­out Europe who tick­le the ears with new stage for­mats and offer forward-​looking impuls­es to inter­na­tion­al music life. Because music involves the shap­ing of time – our time. It pro­vides food for thought and brings about encoun­ters over and above any borders.

YEAH! was issu­ing its first call for por­pos­als in June 2010 which last­ed for a peri­od of one year. The price giv­ing cer­e­mo­ny for the first Young EARopean Award took place dur­ing the YEAH! Festival in Osnabrück in November 2011. After the over­whelm­ing suc­cess of the first YEAH! Award in 2011, the deci­sion was tak­en to hold the YEAH! com­pe­ti­tion on a bien­ni­al basis. In autumn 2012 starts the call for pro­pos­als for the next YEAH! Award. The award cer­e­mo­ny takes place on 14 September 2013 at the end of the sec­ond YEAH! fes­ti­val in Osnabrück.”

YEAH! Young EARopean Award is a project of the Stiftung Stahlwerk Georgsmarienhütte (Georgsmarienhütte Steelworks Foundation) and the City of Osnabruck, and orga­nized by the net­zw­erk junge ohren (net­work young ears).

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