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Policy View Air Transat’s Regular bag­gage policy
DIMENSIONS 23 x 40 x 51 cm (9 x 16 x 20 in) (includ­ing wheels and handles)
COST Free with­in the size, piece and weight limits
DETAILS Instruments exceed­ing this size or weight must be checked. It is impor­tant to note that a musi­cal instru­ment in the cab­in replaces the carry-​on bag­gage allowed.
Cabin seat

Cabin seat ser­vice for musi­cal instru­ments is not offered on any Air Transat flight.

WEIGHT Maximum 23 kg (51 lb)
COST If the musi­cal instru­ment exceeds the quantity/​dimensions/​weight of the car­ry on bag­gage allowance, it becomes part of your checked bag­gage allowance, which when exceed­ed is sub­ject to any applic­a­ble excess bag­gage and over­size charges.
DETAILS To pre­vent any dam­age, we advise stor­ing the musi­cal instru­ment in a pro­tec­tive hard case.

Stowage space in the cab­in is very lim­it­ed, there­fore not avail­able for the trans­porta­tion of musi­cal instruments.

For infor­ma­tion on indi­vid­ual pieces of bag­gage exceed­ing 32 kg (70 lb) in weight, con­tact our Cargo depart­ment.

It is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed that you pur­chase trav­el insur­ance pri­or to your trip, to cov­er all such goods. Consult your trav­el or insur­ance agent.

Last update 13-​Mar-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to share your expe­ri­ence as a trav­eller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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