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Policy View Ita Airways’s Instruments policy

All musi­cal instru­ments the sum of whose dimen­sions (height, width, length) does not exceed 115 cm and whose length does not exceed 115 cm, and with a max­i­mum weight of 8 kg, can be car­ried free of charge on board, in a spe­cial hard case, instead of hand luggage.

Cabin seat

Instruments, such as cel­los, which do not exceed the fol­low­ing dimen­sions: 52×40×135 cm (width, depth, height) and weight of 55 kg, must be car­ried on board by pay­ing for a seat in the cab­in (this ser­vice is not avail­able for pas­sen­gers trav­el­ling with a Light Fare). The book­ing must be made at least 48 hours before the day of departure.

Passengers wish­ing to car­ry their own musi­cal instru­ments onboard ITA Airways flights must arrive at check-​in at least 60 min­utes before it closes.

The fare applied to the extra seat on which the musi­cal instru­ment is secured is equal to the amount of a tick­et for an adult in Economy class. For book­ing and fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please con­tact the Customer Center.


If you choose to request car­riage in the hold, you must con­tact the Customer Center at least 48 hours before flight depar­ture. Weight must not exceed 32 kg.*
Always make sure that the instru­ment is packed prop­er­ly and securely:

Sturdy, rigid, non-​deformable pack­ag­ing with shock-​absorbing mate­r­i­al between the cas­ing and the instrument.

Prior to depar­ture, we rec­om­mend that you pur­chase spe­cif­ic insur­ance for your instrument.

Carriage of musi­cal instru­ments in the hold is sub­ject to nor­mal fares for checked bag­gage.

Last update 01-​Sep-​2023
You are a musi­cian and wish to share your expe­ri­ence as a trav­eller? You can sub­mit your feed­back here.
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