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ILO | COVID-​19 and the media and culture sector

ILO brief on covid-19 and the media and culture sector

This ILO brief high­lights the impact of COVID-​19 on the media and cul­ture sec­tor, hit hard by unem­ploy­ment and closed productions.

It analy­ses how the sector’s diver­si­ty in terms of con­tract types and occu­pa­tions cre­ates chal­lenges in access­ing social pro­tec­tion, safe­ty and health, and eco­nom­ic relief programmes.

The brief also offers pol­i­cy options, draw­ing from coun­tries’ exam­ples and ini­tia­tives from work­ers’ and employ­ers’ orga­ni­za­tions, to mit­i­gate the eco­nom­ic impact of the pan­dem­ic on the sector.

View/​download the ILO brief

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