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Norwegian Health Conference 2022

MHPC22 logo

Musicians’ and Performing Artists’ health and per­for­mance | Integrating body and mind (MHPC22) is announced for 22 – 24 September 2022 in Oslo, Norway.

This con­fer­ence will be host­ed by CREO (the FIM mem­ber union in Norway), the Norwegian Association of Theatres and Orchestras and the Norwegian Academy of Music. It will be the 4th Nordic con­fer­ence in this series.

The MHPC22 will be a nation­al, Nordic and inter­na­tion­al forum for physi­cians, ther­a­pists, edu­ca­tors, artis­tic directors/​employers, ath­let­ic train­ers, musicians/​performing artists and music/​performing arts stu­dents and oth­er health care and per­form­ing arts pro­fes­sion­als who seek to improve the per­for­mance, health and well-​being of musi­cians and per­form­ing artists with­in all gen­res. […]
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EU | Risk prevention in the audiovisual sector


During a webi­nar on 14 April 2021, pro­fes­sion­al bod­ies in the European audio­vi­su­al sec­tor –FIM, FIA and UNI MEI for work­ers, CEPI and IFFPA for employ­ers– pre­sent­ed the new inter­ac­tive risk assess­ment tool (OIRA) ded­i­cat­ed to audio­vi­su­al pro­duc­tion sites.

Run by UNI-​MEI, the webi­nar essen­tial­ly tar­get­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives and pro­fes­sion­als in the European audio­vi­su­al sec­tor. Davide Gianluca Vaccaro, who coor­di­nat­ed the devel­op­ment of this tool for two years, pre­sent­ed a tech­ni­cal descrip­tion. Roger Sutton con­tributed to this devel­op­ment work for FIM.

Like oth­er tools in the OiRA fam­i­ly, this is avail­able free of charge (in English) on the EU-​OSHA web­site. It is com­pa­ra­ble to tools already oper­at­ing in the live enter­tain­ment sec­tor and works from an office com­put­er, tablet or smart­phone. […]
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ILO | COVID-​19 and the media and culture sector

ILO brief on covid-19 and the media and culture sector

This ILO brief high­lights the impact of COVID-​19 on the media and cul­ture sec­tor, hit hard by unem­ploy­ment and closed productions.

It analy­ses how the sector’s diver­si­ty in terms of con­tract types and occu­pa­tions cre­ates chal­lenges in access­ing social pro­tec­tion, safe­ty and health, and eco­nom­ic relief programmes.

The brief also offers pol­i­cy options, draw­ing from coun­tries’ exam­ples and ini­tia­tives from work­ers’ and employ­ers’ orga­ni­za­tions, to mit­i­gate the eco­nom­ic impact of the pan­dem­ic on the sector.

View/​download the ILO brief

Orchestras | FIM Recommendations for a safe return to work

Empty concert hall Download the FIM Recommendations in PDF

I. Preamble

1. The covid-​19 out­break has led gov­ern­ments to close all live per­for­mance venues and pro­hib­it open-​air con­certs as soon as their coun­tries were hit by the pan­dem­ic. Three months lat­er, these mea­sures have brought the music sec­tor to its knees. Where finan­cial sup­port has been made avail­able for musi­cians, orches­tras or ensem­bles, it is gen­er­al­ly lim­it­ed in size, scope and dura­tion. In many cas­es, musi­cians are not eli­gi­ble to any support.

2. There is a com­mon desire of musi­cians, employ­ers and audi­ences to re-​open con­cert halls as soon as pos­si­ble, to allow the artis­tic activ­i­ty to resume. […]
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Recognition of COVID-​19 as an occupational disease

CGU logo

28 April 2020 | Council of Global Unions Statement on Recognition of COVID-​19 as an Occupational Disease

On the occa­sion of International Workers Memorial Day 2020, the glob­al trade union move­ment calls upon gov­ern­ments and occu­pa­tion­al health and safe­ty bod­ies around the world to recog­nise SARS-​CoV‑2 as an occu­pa­tion­al haz­ard, and COVID-​19 as an occu­pa­tion­al disease.

With a third of the pop­u­la­tion around the world cur­rent­ly liv­ing under var­i­ous forms of lock­down to slow the spread of COVID-​19, mil­lions of work­ers, includ­ing those in health and social care, emer­gency ser­vices, agri­cul­ture, food and retail, trans­port, edu­ca­tion, infra­struc­ture and con­struc­tion work and oth­er pub­lic ser­vices (see annex), con­tin­ue to work hard to keep soci­ety func­tion­ing. […]
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IAEA recommendations re. the management of the Covid-​19 crisis

IAEA logo

The speed with which the covid-​19 pan­dem­ic has spread across the world has led many gov­ern­ments to place excep­tion­al con­straints on their pop­u­la­tions, to try and lim­it its propagation.

The ini­tial mea­sures aimed pri­mar­i­ly at lim­it­ing large gath­er­ings, includ­ing con­certs, shows and oth­er cul­tur­al events. Shortly after, venues receiv­ing the gen­er­al pub­lic were closed. These mea­sures caused an imme­di­ate col­lapse of income in the Arts and Entertainment sec­tor. Having been pro­found­ly impact­ed from the out­set of this his­toric cri­sis, the whole of the sec­tor is now at a stand­still. A con­sid­er­able num­ber of work­ers are with­out income and the sur­vival of many com­pa­nies is uncer­tain. […]
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H&S | Update on WHO “Make Listening Safe” initiative

MOS meeting (Geneva, Feb. 2020)

FIM took part in a new con­sul­ta­tive meet­ing joint­ly organ­ised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) with­in the Make Listening Safe ini­tia­tive. Underway for some years now, this ini­tia­tive is pur­su­ing the fol­low­ing three aims:
 — Drawing up and imple­ment­ing a world WHO-​ITU stan­dard aimed at reduc­ing risks linked to the use of music lis­ten­ing devices (audio play­ers and smart­phones);
 — Undertaking a cam­paign aimed at the gen­er­al pub­lic to mod­i­fy pat­terns of lis­ten­ing behav­iour;
 — Developing a reg­u­la­to­ry frame­work for con­trol­ling recre­ation­al sound exposure.

Held from 17 to 19 February 2020 at WHO head­quar­ters in Geneva, the meet­ing brought togeth­er acousti­cians, sound engi­neers, doc­tors, researchers, the­atre oper­a­tors and show organ­is­ers, musi­cians and hearing-​impaired per­sons, as well as teenagers, since young peo­ple are one of WHO’s pri­or­i­ties. […]
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WHO | “Make Listening Safe” Initiative

OMS Safe listening conferenceThe World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) organ­ised a con­sul­ta­tive meet­ing on a new stan­dard aimed at reduc­ing risks linked to the use of devices for lis­ten­ing to music (audio play­ers and smart­phones). Held on the 13 and 14 February 2019 at WHO head­quar­ters in Geneva, the meet­ing brought togeth­er acousti­cians, engi­neers, researchers and rep­re­sen­ta­tives of musi­cians’ and hearing-​impaired organisations.

WHO reminds us that 500 mil­lion peo­ple through­out the world cur­rent­ly suf­fer from deaf­ness, includ­ing 34 mil­lion chil­dren. If appro­pri­ate mea­sures are not tak­en, this num­ber could reach 900 mil­lion by 2050. WHO feels that these patholo­gies main­ly result from the pro­longed use of audio devices which gen­er­ate exces­sive acoustic pres­sure. […]
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