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The Panamanian Musicians’ Union (SITMAS) on the road to renovation

A FIM train­ing work­shop was organ­ised in Panama from 26 to 28 November 2013, in coop­er­a­tion with the Swedish Musicians’ Union (SMF), thanks to fund­ing of Swedish Confederation LO-​TCO.

The main aim of the work­shop, which attract­ed 20 Panamanian par­tic­i­pants, was to accom­pa­ny SITMAS in its ini­tia­tive to ren­o­vate its infra­struc­tures, in par­tic­u­lar via bet­ter rep­re­sen­ta­tion of women and younger gen­er­a­tions with­in the union’s bod­ies. For these three train­ing days, FIM’s General Secretary was assist­ed by five facilitators:
 — Oscar Valverde (ILO-​ACTRAV)
 — Norma Ayu (PANAIE, Panama)
 — Déborah Cheyne (SINDMUSI, Brazil)
 — Ernesto and Blanca Diaz Ramirez (SUTM, Mexico)

A list of pri­or­i­ty actions was drawn up by par­tic­i­pants via work ses­sions in small groups, on the fol­low­ing issues:
 — gen­der equality
 — union modernisation
 — union governance
 — com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Internet and social networks
 — social dialogue
 — sta­tus of the artist.

A dec­la­ra­tion aimed at the gov­ern­ment was adopt­ed, demand­ing respect of cur­rent legal pro­vi­sions with regard to rec­og­niz­ing music per­form­ers, updat­ing their IP rights and draft­ing a suit­able statu­to­ry framework.

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