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Call for international boycott of recruitment auditions at the Malaysian Philharmonic


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. You may have seen recent adver­tise­ments for posi­tions in the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, to be held in New York, in October, 2012. There are sev­er­al very impor­tant rea­sons why one should NOT attend these audi­tions: and more – why the musi­cians in the MPO need all of your sup­port in answer­ing the adver­tise­ment, via email, to the man­agers, board of direc­tors, and M.D. as to “WHY I AM NOT ATTENDING YOUR AUDITIONS!”

Earlier this year, the new orches­tra CEO – Nor Raina, appoint­ed by the par­ent petro­le­um com­pa­ny PETRONAS – sent “non-​renewal” notices (effec­tive­ly “ter­mi­na­tion”) to 9 key musi­cians in the orches­tra, appar­ent­ly for NO REASON what­so­ev­er. These NINE play­ers have been employed 5 years, 9 years, 12 years, and in 4 cas­es, 14 years. Almost all of the play­ers have fam­i­lies, most with young chil­dren. This CEO, with absolute­ly no music back­ground, has nev­er spo­ken face to face with any of the ‘dis­missed’ musi­cians. The M.D., Claus Peter Flor, has remained vir­tu­al­ly silent on the action, but has insist­ed that the deci­sions were beyond his con­trol. His denials have been met with skep­ti­cism by the musicians…

Dismissed are: Concertmaster, Co-​Concertmaster, Tutti 1st Violin (Orchestra Committee Chairman…!), Tutti Viola (wife of Orchestra Committee Chairman…!), Section Percussion (also Orchestra Committee mem­ber …!), Principal Timpani, Principal Trombone. Also includ­ed are Principal Piano and anoth­er Section Viola (Piano posi­tion is being cut, and 2nd vio­list is past retire­ment age, so they are unable to take legal action.) The oth­er sev­en posi­tions are now being adver­tised for the NEW YORK audi­tions. These SEVEN, how­ev­er, have filed legal action with the Industrial Relations Court, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The file has been sent already to the Labour Minister for review and prob­a­ble refer­ral to a court hearing.

Management has con­sis­tent­ly declared “NO REASON” for select­ing these 7 play­ers – and destroy­ing their liveli­hoods. Now, how­ev­er, the new con­tracts are out to the remain­ing 70 musi­cians, and the “rea­sons” seem a lit­tle more explain­able… and inde­cent. These sev­en play­ers, and the Orchestra Committee, would most cer­tain­ly be the voic­es of the orches­tra in protest­ing the changes and dis­re­spect that this new con­tract rep­re­sents to the musi­cians. Now, how­ev­er, the intim­i­da­tion effect of fir­ing these sev­en has assured man­age­ment of lit­tle or no resis­tance in get­ting it signed and accom­plished. Musicians were asked to sign and return the new con­tracts with­in a few days.

If these were not rea­sons enough to boy­cott the MPO audi­tions – it gets even more seri­ous: The“new musi­cians” being sought by man­age­ment, to fill these 9 chairs, and 23 oth­er vacan­cies are being offered much reduced con­tracts. New mem­bers will be sign­ing for 20 – 25% LESS pay than exist­ing mem­bers – replac­ing ille­gal­ly dis­missed, long-​term, ded­i­cat­ed musi­cians, with scaled down contracts.

This, in itself, is an affront to the music pro­fes­sion, and sym­pho­ny orches­tra stan­dards. The con­cept of FIRING long term musi­cians only to try their luck at hir­ing slight­ly cheap­er ones, is dis­grace­ful and beyond most decent people’s moral com­pre­hen­sion. ANYONE WHO TAKES THIS AUDITION, AND FILLS THESE SPOTS, WILL BE JUSTIFYING THE MPO MANAGEMENT’S ACTIONS AS A FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Further, the remain­ing 70 musi­cians and their fam­i­lies will sim­ply become ‘cor­po­rate tar­gets’ for fur­ther “cost-​cutting” strate­gies. Fire anoth­er 10 or 20? Reduce some more costs? Beyond this, the cur­rent audi­tion pro­ce­dure is com­plete­ly cor­rupt and with­out stan­dard vot­ing pro­ce­dures. Will you waste your time and mon­ey on this type of audition?

As well, any­one receiv­ing a con­tract offer had bet­ter read some of the new claus­es VERY CAREFULLY. The usage of “Fixed Term Contract”, is wide­spread in this doc­u­ment – and is the management’s way out for cut­ting any musi­cian at the end of any term, with­out cause or rea­son. You will not be treat­ed as an “employ­ee”, or be regard­ed as “hav­ing tenure”. Can you build a future on this uncertainty?

Musicians around the world are there­fore kind­ly request­ed to do the following

  • Write a Reply to the MPO Audition ad, stat­ing the “REASONS I WILL NOT BE ATTENDING YOUR AUDITIONS:”
  • Refer to indus­try stan­dards that they are abandoning.
  • Let them know that THE WORLD knows what is going on in MALAYSIA, and the total dis­re­spect they are show­ing to pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians. The Board of Directors must real­ize that the new CEO is destroy­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of a once great orches­tra, and is harm­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of Malaysia at the same time.

Please send your mes­sage to Nor Raina (CEO) and Timothy Tsukamoto (new GM – actu­al­ly sym­pa­thet­ic to the musicians)

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Please CC: to the Board of Directors, and Music Director list­ed below

[email pro­tect­ed] (Claus Peter Flor, MD)

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