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Cameroon | SYCAMU President victim of an attempt to intimidate: the union’s premises ransacked by police!


On 29 August, police inter­vened at the request of a pros­e­cu­tor with­out a writ­ten war­rant and sur­round­ed the SYCAMU premis­es to arrest its pres­i­dent and force him to tes­ti­fy in a legal affair.

As Mr Dika refused to fol­low the offi­cials who had no war­rant for arrest, the police caused mate­r­i­al dam­age and threat­ened to shoot the artists present who inter­vened. This affair took place at a time when the union is being sub­ject­ed to numer­ous attempts to desta­bilise car­ried out by var­i­ous groups who are try­ing to silence it.

FIM is scan­dalised by these prac­tices of intim­i­da­tion tar­get­ing union lead­ers who are act­ing with­in the scope of a man­date from their mem­bers. It has expressed its indig­na­tion direct­ly to Cameroon’s President of the Republic and request­ed that full light be shed on these odi­ous acts which seri­ous­ly jeop­ar­dise union free­dom, nonethe­less pro­tect­ed by sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al con­ven­tions rat­i­fied by Cameroon.

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