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Freemuse is an inde­pendent inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­tion advo­ca­ting for and defen­ding free­dom of artis­tic expression.

Freemuse believes that at the heart of vio­la­tions of artis­tic free­dom is the effort to silence oppo­sing or less pre­fer­red views and values by those in power – poli­ti­cal­ly, reli­gious­ly or socie­tal­ly – most­ly due to fear of their trans­for­ma­tive effect. With this assump­tion, we can address root causes rather than just symp­toms – if we hold vio­la­tors accountable.

Its approach to artis­tic free­dom is human rights-​based as it pro­vides an inter­na­tio­nal legal fra­me­work and lays out the prin­ciples of accoun­ta­bi­li­ty, equa­li­ty and non-​discrimination, and participation.

To accom­plish such fun­da­men­tal change, Freemuse moni­tors and docu­ments vio­la­tions of artis­tic free­dom, exposes laws and poli­cies that enable and sus­tain these vio­la­tions and leve­rages evidence-​based advo­ca­cy for sys­te­mic struc­tu­ral changes at inter­na­tio­nal, regio­nal and natio­nal levels. Working with part­ners, artists and acti­vists in the glo­bal south and north, Freemuse cam­pai­gns for and sup­port indi­vi­dual artists, focu­sing on women artists and other vul­ne­rable groups of artists. Freemuse faci­li­tates and grows locally-​owned natio­nal coa­li­tions in their cam­pai­gns and capa­ci­ty buil­ding to moni­tor and defend artis­tic freedom.


SafeMUSE – Safe Music Havens Initiative is an inde­pendent non-​partisan and non-​profit mem­ber­ship asso­cia­tion with the main pur­pose of offe­ring per­se­cu­ted artists and artists at risk a safe place to stay and work with free­dom of artis­tic expres­sion. This includes close coope­ra­tion with hos­ting orga­ni­za­tions (cities, regio­nal autho­ri­ties, orga­ni­sa­tions and others), with local and regio­nal musi­cians and bands/​groups, and a net­work of part­ners and co-​workers for mutual lear­ning, exchange and development.

SafeMUSE – Safe Music Havens Initiative, esta­bli­shed in December 2013 by musi­cians’ and com­po­sers in Norway, work in close coope­ra­tion with Freemuse – the World Forum on Music and Censorship and musi­cians’, com­po­sers’ and artists’ asso­cia­tions. SafeMUSE is based on and sup­ports the uni­ver­sal prin­ciples of human rights as they apply to the rights of artists.

SafeMUSE – Safe Music Havens Initiative is fun­ded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MFO (Norwegian Musicians’ Union), NOPA (Norwegian Society of Composers and Lyricists), the Norwegian Society of Composers and Nordic Culture Point.

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