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Privacy Policy

The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS (FIM) ope­rates www​.fim​-musi​cians​.org and may ope­rate other web­sites. It is FIM’s poli­cy to res­pect your pri­va­cy regar­ding any infor­ma­tion we may col­lect while mana­ging our websites.

FIM Data Protection Officer : Benoît Machuel | admin@​fim-​musicians.​org

Website Visitors

Like most web­site ope­ra­tors, FIM col­lects non-​personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion of the sort that web brow­sers and ser­vers typi­cal­ly make avai­lable, such as the brow­ser type, lan­guage pre­fe­rence, refer­ring site, and the date and time of each visi­tor request. FIM’s pur­pose in col­lec­ting non-​personally iden­ti­fying infor­ma­tion is to unders­tand bet­ter how FIM’s visi­tors use its web­sites. From time to time, FIM may release non-​personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion in the aggre­gate, e.g., by publi­shing a report on trends in the usage of its websites.

FIM also col­lects poten­tial­ly personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. FIM does not dis­close IP addresses to third parties.

Gathering of Personally-​Identifying Information

Certain visi­tors to FIM’s web­sites choose to inter­act with FIM in ways that require FIM to gather personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion. The amount and type of infor­ma­tion that FIM gathers depend on the nature of the inter­ac­tion. For example, we ask visi­tors who sign up at fim​-musi​cians​.org to pro­vide a user­name and email address. Visitors may also be reques­ted to pro­vide addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion, inclu­ding as neces­sa­ry the per­so­nal and finan­cial infor­ma­tion requi­red to pro­cess a tran­sac­tion like regis­tra­tion for an event or the boo­king of a hotel room.

In each case, FIM col­lects such infor­ma­tion only inso­far as is neces­sa­ry or appro­priate to ful­fil the pur­pose of the visitor’s inter­ac­tion with FIM. FIM does not dis­close personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion other than as des­cri­bed below. Visitors can always refuse to sup­ply personally-​identifying information.

Aggregated Statistics

FIM may col­lect sta­tis­tics about the beha­viour of visi­tors to its web­sites. Statistics are pro­du­ced with a self-​hosted tra­cking sys­tem (Matomo) and sto­red local­ly. FIM will not dis­play this infor­ma­tion publi­cly or pro­vide it to third par­ties. Check the box below if you do not want your visits to be used in our statistics.

Protection of Certain Personally-​Identifying Information

FIM dis­closes poten­tial­ly personally-​identifying and personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion only to those of its employees, contrac­tors and affi­lia­ted orga­ni­za­tions that (i) need to know that infor­ma­tion in order to pro­cess it on FIM’s behalf or to pro­vide ser­vices avai­lable at FIM’s web­sites, and (ii) that have agreed not to dis­close it to others. Some of those employees, contrac­tors and affi­lia­ted orga­ni­sa­tions may be loca­ted out­side of your home coun­try ; by using FIM’s web­sites, you consent to the trans­fer of such infor­ma­tion to them.

FIM will not rent or sell poten­tial­ly personally-​identifying and personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion to anyone. Other than to its employees, contrac­tors and affi­lia­ted orga­ni­za­tions, as des­cri­bed above, FIM dis­closes poten­tial­ly personally-​identifying and personally-​identifying infor­ma­tion only in res­ponse to a sub­poe­na, court order or ano­ther govern­men­tal request, or when FIM believes in good faith that dis­clo­sure is rea­so­na­bly neces­sa­ry to pro­tect the pro­per­ty or rights of FIM, third par­ties or the public at large.

If you are a regis­te­red user of an FIM web­site and have sup­plied your email address, FIM may occa­sio­nal­ly send you an email to update you on FIM’s acti­vi­ties or soli­cit your feed­back. FIM takes all mea­sures rea­so­na­bly neces­sa­ry to pro­tect itself against the unau­tho­ri­sed access, use, alte­ra­tion or des­truc­tion of poten­tial­ly personally-​identifying and personally-​identifying information.


A cookie is a string of infor­ma­tion that a web­site stores on a visitor’s com­pu­ter, and that the visitor’s brow­ser pro­vides to the web­site each time the visi­tor returns. FIM makes limi­ted use of cookies to ana­lyse the visi­tors” usage of FIM web­site and their web­site access pre­fe­rences, inclu­ding their pre­fer­red language.

FIM visi­tors who do not wish to have cookies pla­ced on their com­pu­ters should set their brow­sers to refuse cookies before using FIM’s web­sites, with the draw­back that spe­ci­fic fea­tures of FIM’s web­sites may not func­tion pro­per­ly without the aid of cookies.

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are like­ly to be minor, FIM may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and in FIM’s sole dis­cre­tion. FIM encou­rages visi­tors to fre­quent­ly check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. If you are sub­scri­bed to one of our Newsletters, you might also receive an alert infor­ming you of these changes. Your conti­nued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will consti­tute your accep­tance of such change.

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