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Policy View Air Dolomiti’s Instruments policy

Small musi­cal ins­tru­ments, such as vio­lins or smal­ler ins­tru­ments, can be car­ried free of charge with you into the cabin ins­tead of hand lug­gage. The ins­tru­ment must be small enough to fit in the ove­rhead cabin lockers : please bear in mind that the max per­mit­ted dimen­sions are 55 x 40 x 23 cm (height x width x depth) and the max weight is 8 kg.

Cabin seat

Larger ins­tru­ments that do not fit into the ove­rhead cabin lockers or under the seat may be car­ried on a seat in the cabin, pro­vi­ded they fall within cer­tain mea­su­re­ments. The maxi­mum mea­su­re­ments are 155X42X25 cm from the floor of the cabin or 110x42x50cm from the seat. The maxi­mum weight allo­wed is 75kg.

This seat must be boo­ked at the same time as the pas­sen­ger ticket by contac­ting Air Dolomiti. The ser­vice is sub­ject to costs that must be che­cked direct­ly with the Airline.


The ins­tru­ment must not weigh more than 23 kg and must be in a hard case. Make sure the ins­tru­ment is pro­per­ly packed or the Airline will not be liable for any damage. The ins­tru­ment must be inclu­ded in the pas­sen­ger reser­va­tion. Check the cost of the ser­vice by contac­ting the Airline directly.

Last update 13-​Mar-​2023
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