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75th anniversary of the International Music Council

IMC five music rights (English)FIM con­grat­u­lates the International Music Council (IMC) on its 75th anniversary!

Founded in 1949, the IMC cam­paigns tire­less­ly for uni­ver­sal access to music through five “music rights”:

The right for all chil­dren and adults:
 — To freely express them­selves musi­cal­ly;
 — To learn musi­cal lan­guages and skills; and
 — To have access to musi­cal involve­ment through par­tic­i­pa­tion, lis­ten­ing, cre­ation and information.

The right for all musi­cal artists:
 — To devel­op their artistry and com­mu­ni­cate it through all media, with prop­er facil­i­ties at their dis­pos­al; and
 — To obtain just recog­ni­tion and fair remu­ner­a­tion for their work.

FIM thanks the IMC and its team for their remark­able efforts to pro­mote musi­cal prac­tice and respect for the cre­ative work of music pro­fes­sion­als. […]
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Guidance for “musicians who teach”

Picture of Diane Widdison

Do you have mem­bers of your Union who work in Music Education? If so this arti­cle by Diane Widdison, for­mer National Organiser for Education and Training at the BMU on how you can help sup­port them in this work is for you!

If you ask any musi­cian what inspired them to fol­low a career in music they will most often cite that it was a teacher who had recog­nised and nur­tured their tal­ent and encour­aged them to pur­sue their dreams.

Instrumental and vocal teach­ers are cru­cial­ly impor­tant in the music edu­ca­tion land­scape in pass­ing on their skills and inspir­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of young musi­cians with the real­i­ty being that most pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians will actu­al­ly do some of this teach­ing in their often var­ied port­fo­lio careers, even though most of them would not iden­ti­fy them­selves as teach­ers. […]
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EAEA-​Pearle* joint statement on the role of Culture and the Arts


FIM, FIA and UNI-​MEI (on behalf of the European Arts and Entertainment Alliance — EAEA) and Pearle* have adopt­ed a joint state­ment aimed at rais­ing aware­ness where European states, European insti­tu­tions and polit­i­cal decision-​makers are con­cerned of the need to pre­serve and enhance pub­lic sup­port for the per­form­ing arts and cul­ture, at a time when these are being hit by short-​sighted bud­get restric­tion mea­sures, both where dif­fu­sion and artis­tic edu­ca­tion are concerned.

EAEA and Pearle* are ask­ing European decision-​makers to break with cur­rent log­ic and do their utmost to pre­serve what con­sti­tutes one of our most valu­able col­lec­tive goods — Culture and the Arts. […]
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The AEC website opens a section dedicated to musical entrepreneurship

Polifonia project

On 19 and 20 September 2014, the Hague was the venue for the con­clud­ing con­fer­ence of the 4th work­ing group in the Polifonia project.

Steered by the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), this project began in 2004 and will be com­plet­ed at the end of 2014. As a part­ner, FIM is rep­re­sent­ed in the 4th work­ing group (musi­cal entre­pre­neur­ship) by Hans Ole Rian, President of Norwegian union MFO.

The Hague con­fer­ence brought togeth­er play­ers from the music edu­ca­tion world to analyse the chal­lenges fac­ing young artists, against a back­drop of grad­ual dis­en­gage­ment of pub­lic author­i­ties from financ­ing cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions. […]
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