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Help save the Danish National Chamber Orchestra! [Update]

The Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DBC) has announced that it will shut down the Danish National Chamber Orchestra (DNCO) on the 1st of January due to bud­get cuts. The DNCO employs approx. 45 musi­cians as well as the artis­tic team work­ing with them. Apart from the evi­dent dis­as­ter of the musi­cians los­ing their jobs, the loss of the DNCO would be cat­a­stroph­ic for Denmark’s cul­tur­al life — there sim­ply is no oth­er orches­tra that could lift the DNCO’s 75-​year-​long cul­tur­al her­itage with the same skill, diver­si­ty and beauty.

Apparently, it takes a budget-​meeting and three months to shut down an orches­tra, but it has tak­en 75 years to build a part of Denmark’s cul­tur­al heritage.

An online peti­tion (in English and Danish) has received more than 23.000 sig­na­tures with­in the first two days. With your sig­na­ture, you will be urg­ing the board of direc­tors of UnderholdningsOrkestret and the Danish Ministry of Culture to find a solu­tion, so that the orches­tra con­tin­ues to pro­vide audi­ences and lis­ten­ers at home and abroad with unique musi­cal expe­ri­ences. Please sign it as soon as possible!

Sign the online peti­tion now!

A face­book cam­paign has also been launched under the Danish name ‘Bevar UnderholdningsOrkestret’, which received more than 43,000 likes with­in just a cou­ple of days. Please ‘like’ or ‘share’ it to express your imme­di­ate support!

Go to the face­book campaign

Thank you for support!

About The Danish National Chamber Orchestra

Denmark’s sole pro­fes­sion­al cham­ber orches­tra is one of the best in Europe. The orches­tra is well known across the entire coun­try for its out­go­ing, pop­u­lar and appraised con­certs and ground­break­ing projects with – among oth­ers – a series of pro­gres­sive indie artists and DJs, pop singers as well as inter­na­tion­al artists such as Procol Harum. The orches­tra has also record­ed a series of award-​winning record­ings under its chief con­duc­tor, Adam Fischer, includ­ing the com­plete Mozart symphonies.

For more infor­ma­tion con­tact Chairman of the Board, the Danish Musician’s Union, Anders Laursen
E‑mail: al@​dmf.​dk
Phone: +45 40 15 10 92

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