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FIM and SYCAMU file a joint complaint with the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association against the Cameroon government

ILO HQ (Geneva)

On 18 January 2016, FIM and the Cameroon Musicians’ Union (SYCAMU) offi­cial­ly filed a com­plaint with the International Labour Organization’s Committee on Freedom of Association for breach by the Cameroon gov­ern­ment of ILO’s Convention 87.

Last September, FIM sent a let­ter to the President of the Republic of Cameroon ask­ing him to oppose the deci­sion of his Prime Minister, Mr Philémon Yang, to order the Labour Minister to impose a ban on SYCAMU, which was reproached with being in breach of its own rules by organ­is­ing a meet­ing aimed at cre­at­ing a col­lect­ing soci­ety, since SOCAM (pre­vi­ous­ly in charge of man­ag­ing copy­right and relat­ed rights for music) had ceased its activity. […]
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Iran must drop charges on two musicians and a filmmaker

Iranian artists

Whilst the world focus­es on the lift­ing of sanc­tions and Iran’s pris­on­er swap with the US, many artists remain impris­oned in Iran.

Mehdi Rajabian, a musi­cian and founder of BargMusic, an alter­na­tive music dis­trib­u­tor in Iran, along with his film­mak­er broth­er Hossein Rajabian and musi­cian Yousef Emadi, were joint­ly sen­tenced to six years in prison and fined 200 mil­lion tomans (about USD 66,650) each for “insult­ing the sacred” and “pro­pa­gan­da against the state” in May 2015.

The three were first arrest­ed in 2013. Mehdi Rajabian was report­ed­ly sub­ject to repeat­ed tor­ture dur­ing the sub­se­quent detention.

On 22 December 2015, the artists appeared at the Branch 54 of the Tehran Province Appeals Court. […]
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Musicians’ unions from Central and Western Africa committed to gender equality

Dakar workshop on gender equality

FIM and AMS (Senegalese Association for Music Professionals) organ­ised a sub-​regional train­ing work­shop in Dakar from 11 to 13 January 2016 on the issue of gen­der equal­i­ty in the music sec­tor, financed by Union to Union. This was FIM’s first sub-​regional meet­ing ded­i­cat­ed to this theme. In addi­tion to Union to Union and FIM facil­i­ta­tors, there were also a French expert from the sec­tor and two Senegalese uni­ver­si­ty academics.

Work was opened by the direc­tor of the arts and the man­ag­er of the cul­tur­al sec­tor of the decen­tralised unit of UNESCO in Dakar. The first day focused on a sit­u­a­tion­al analy­sis in the fol­low­ing eight coun­tries: Burkina-​Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Niger, Central African Republic, Senegal and Togo. […]
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Message from FIM after the terrorist attacks in Paris

Paris attacked by IS terroristsThe assas­si­na­tion of 130 inno­cent vic­tims in Paris in the evening of Friday 13 November 2015 has shocked the entire world.

The International Federation of Musicians shares the grief of the French Nation. FIM is espe­cial­ly affect­ed by the fact that so many peo­ple were killed while enjoy­ing a music performance.

Such vio­lence can­not be jus­ti­fied nor under­stood. Music has always been a unique way to unite peo­ple what­ev­er their ori­gin or belief, which makes the ter­ror­ist attack against the audi­ence at the Bataclan a par­tic­u­lar­ly despi­ca­ble crime.

FIM firm­ly con­demns these acts of ter­ror­ism as well as any form of sup­port, active or pas­sive, to such crim­i­nal behaviours.

Uruguay | International support for the SODRE Symphony Orchestra


The SODRE Symphony Orchestra is Uruguay’s nation­al orches­tra. Founded in 1931, it is Latin America’s old­est orches­tra. A bas­tion of nation­al cul­ture, it has also become an essen­tial bench­mark for the whole of the Latin American region. It has been direct­ed by celebri­ties such as Erich Kleiber, Ottorino Respighi or Igor Stravinsky, to men­tion just the most iconic.

Unfortunately, polit­i­cal lead­ers have set out on a path to grad­u­al­ly elim­i­nate per­ma­nent posi­tions in favour of pre­car­i­ous ones with short-​term con­tracts. Currently, the orches­tra has only 52 posi­tions left for sta­ble jobs, 47 posi­tions being cov­ered by pre­car­i­ous ones.

FIM firm­ly con­demns this short-​sighted pol­i­cy which is jeop­ar­dis­ing the institution’s artis­tic her­itage. […]
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France | MOU for online music

Assemblée Nationale

After bit­ter nego­ti­a­tions, a mem­o­ran­dum of under­stand­ing for online music was signed in France on 2 October 2015, between rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the music indus­try and a cer­tain num­ber of pro­fes­sion­al organ­i­sa­tions includ­ing French mem­bers of FIM, FIA and IAO, under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture.

This mem­o­ran­dum came about with­in the scope of the “Creation Act” cur­rent­ly being dis­cussed by the French Parliament. It makes pro­vi­sion for:
• An eval­u­a­tion of the econ­o­my of the phono­graph­ic pub­lish­ing sec­tor based on trans­paren­cy of data, the cre­ation of an obser­va­to­ry and new oblig­a­tions for producers;
• Providing a frame­work for man­ag­ing reduc­tions applied by pro­duc­ers in artists’ con­tracts, par­tic­u­lar­ly with regard to the dig­i­tal sector;
• A code of con­duct for plat­forms, pro­duc­ers and performers;
• Enhancing the high­light­ing of works and artis­tic diversity;
• A min­i­mum remu­ner­a­tion guar­an­tee for lead­ing performers;
• Including all pro­duc­ers’ rev­enues into the remu­ner­a­tion cal­cu­la­tion base;
• The setting-​up of an employ­ment assis­tance fund for all per­form­ers work­ing in the record­ed music sector. […]
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Financial crisis at the Rishon LeZion Symphony Orchestra

Rishon LeZion Symphony Orchestra

The IMU (Israeli Musicians’ Union) is deeply involved in the ongo­ing nego­ti­a­tions between the Rishon LeZion Symphony Orchestra’s man­age­ment and the 80 musi­cians who are employed under a col­lec­tive agree­ment and rep­re­sent­ed by the Union. The orches­tra car­ries a heavy deficit and as gov­ern­ment and city sup­port, though not cur­tailed, are not going to grow, the man­age­ment has put on the table a dras­tic cut in the planned 2016 budget.

The musi­cians are asked to agree to a 10% cut in their salaries. Next two weeks will be cru­cial and it is hoped that a work­able solu­tion will be reached. James Judd, the musi­cal direc­tor made a very gen­er­ous ges­ture and offered to work for free next year.

Petition to support the National Orchestra of Belgium

Orchestre National de Belgique

“As the result of pol­i­tics, our National Orchestra is threat­ened with extinc­tion in the near future. In fact, a scheme from Minister Reynders cab­i­net aims at the absorp­tion of the National Orchestra of Belgium by the Royal Opera Theatre “La Monnaie” to strength­en its programming.

We feel how­ev­er, that backed by a long tra­di­tion of near­ly eighty years, the NOB ful­fils its cul­tur­al mis­sion very well, both by the seventy-​some con­certs it per­forms each year and by its cul­tur­al radi­ance abroad as a much appre­ci­at­ed guest orches­tra on the inter­na­tion­al scene.

Sadly, once again cul­ture would be cru­el­ly affect­ed, not only by the per­ma­nent loss of a large num­ber of jobs but also by the cur­tailed cul­tur­al offer to the public. […]
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