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Performers demand their fair share

50% for performers


Online music ser­vices have trans­formed the music indus­try, but per­form­ing artists are not get­ting their pro­por­tion­ate share from revenues.

Modern leg­is­la­tion gives per­form­ing artists the right to autho­rise the mak­ing avail­able of their per­for­mances on the Internet or oth­er net­works, and to be remu­ner­at­ed for such use.

The remu­ner­a­tion of per­form­ing artists for such use of their con­tri­bu­tion should be fair, pro­por­tion­al to its val­ue and in bal­ance with oth­er con­trib­u­tors. A 50 – 50 shar­ing of online rev­enues with record pro­duc­ers cer­tain­ly meets these criteria.

Currently, this is far from being the case. The share per­form­ing artists receive from online uses is nei­ther fair, nor pro­por­tion­al to its val­ue, nor bal­anced with oth­er contributors. […]
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End of the Rome Opera House conflict

Rome opera demonstration

On the 25 November 2014, dur­ing a full ses­sion, Rome Opera House staff approved by 97% the agree­ment signed two days ear­li­er between the­atre man­age­ment and unions which can­cels the deci­sion at the begin­ning of October to dis­miss the institution’s 182 musi­cians and choir members.

This agree­ment is first of all the result of the work and com­mit­ment of Italian unions and musi­cians which must be applaud­ed here. It also owes a lot to intense inter­na­tion­al mobil­i­sa­tion which took the opera house admin­is­tra­tion and the polit­i­cal decision-​makers con­cerned by sur­prise, in the face of the unan­i­mous dis­ap­proval of the music world. FIM is pleased to have been able to con­tribute, with its mem­bers, towards solv­ing this crisis. […]
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FIM campaign against cultural vandalism in the music sector

Stop cultural vandalism

FIM is launch­ing an inter­na­tion­al week of mobil­i­sa­tion to show the oppo­si­tion of the music sec­tor and all publics to the poli­cies of relin­quish­ment, bud­getary asphyx­i­a­tion or pure and sim­ple destruc­tion of orches­tras, choirs and opera houses.

The dis­missal of all artists employed by the Rome Opera House has sparked a sig­nif­i­cant wave of protest at European and glob­al lev­els. Whereas this cri­sis has not yet been resolved, orches­tras are under pres­sure in sev­er­al oth­er coun­tries. With its mem­ber organ­i­sa­tions in 60 coun­tries, FIM intends to vig­or­ous­ly denounce this sit­u­a­tion which is a cause for major concern.

In order to impede the cul­tur­al van­dal­ism to which sym­pho­ny and opera orches­tras, choirs and opera the­atres are being sub­ject­ed, musi­cians and their unions are, along with all pro­fes­sion­als in the music sec­tor and all publics, being called upon to sign the FIM appeal. […]
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Musicians Union of Liberia | Campaign against Ebola virus

MULIB logo

The Musicians Union of Liberia (MULIB) is under­tak­ing a joint pre­ven­tion cam­paign with local pub­lic and pri­vate part­ners against the Ebola virus.

The artists involved organ­ise vis­its to com­mu­ni­ties in order to raise their aware­ness about pre­ven­tion and how to take care of Ebola-​affected persons.

A song in English and oth­er local ver­nac­u­lars of Liberia has been spe­cial­ly com­posed for The Save Liberia campaign.

In Liberia, music plays an impor­tant role for the dis­sem­i­na­tion of infor­ma­tion, all the more so since illit­er­a­cy is wide­spread through­out the country.

We kind­ly encour­age you to watch this video and share it on social networks.

Catalan orchestras at the cutting edge against child labour

MACL logo

The Barcelona Symphony Orchestra ded­i­cat­ed its con­certs on the 17, 18 and 19 October 2014, direct­ed by Emmanuel Krivine, to the “Music against child labour” inter­na­tion­al campaign.

A short video on the cam­paign (with sub­ti­tles in Catalan) was shown pri­or to the con­cert and an announce­ment made out­lin­ing its aims, which empha­sized coop­er­a­tion between AMPOS and FIM.

A note was includ­ed in the con­cert pro­gramme and 2,300 red cards dis­trib­uted among the audience.

Next 27 November, the Gran Teatre de la Ópera del Liceu de Barcelona will be ded­i­cat­ing anoth­er con­cert to the cam­paign, with Beethoven’s 9th sym­pho­ny under the direc­tion of Josep Pons. […]
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More about the Rome Opera crisis

Ignazio Marino - Photo Niccolò Caranti

Following a two and a half hour long meet­ing, the Board of Directors of the Rome Opera House, chaired by the City Mayor [see pho­to], decid­ed on 2 October 2014 to dis­miss the institution’s 182 orches­tra musi­cians and choir mem­bers, at the same time lay­ing the blame on union rep­re­sen­ta­tives, guilty in their eyes of not hav­ing sub­scribed to the management’s and city’s cost-​cutting plan.

Although the plan had actu­al­ly been accept­ed by the major­i­ty of staff, man­age­ment jus­ti­fies its deci­sion by the fact that a cer­tain num­ber of musi­cians opposed it, insin­u­at­ing in addi­tion –with­out the slight­est proof– that the hasty depar­ture of con­duc­tor Ricardo Muti was appar­ent­ly attrib­ut­able to the musi­cians who had dared come out on strike to denounce the dete­ri­o­ra­tion in their work­ing conditions. […]
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Rome Opera crisis: IAEA issues an open letter

IAEA logo


The three International Federations rep­re­sent­ing work­ers in the Arts and Entertainment sec­tor call upon the Board of the Rome Opera Theatre to reverse its deci­sion to dis­miss all orches­tra musi­cians and choir members

The International Federation of Musicians (FIM), the International Federation of Actors (FIA), UNI — Media, Entertainment & Arts (UNI-​MEI) and their mem­ber organ­i­sa­tions in more than 120 coun­tries were incred­i­bly shocked to learn about the deci­sion of the Board of the Rome Opera to ter­mi­nate the con­tracts of all the orches­tra musi­cians and choir mem­bers of this insti­tu­tion, in a dis­grace­ful act of cul­tur­al van­dal­ism. […]
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Musicians associations call for the strengthening of opera houses and orchestras in Europe

Zürich | October 8th, 2014 — The German-​speaking pro­fes­sion­al asso­ci­a­tions and musi­cian trade unions from Austria, Switzerland and Germany (SMV, DOV, GdG-​KMSfB and Ver.di) observe with great con­cern the cur­rent ram­pant destruc­tion of opera hous­es, orches­tras and pro­fes­sion­al ensem­bles in Europe. This is the tenor of a joint work­ing meet­ing on 7 and 8 October 2014 in Zürich.

Currently, 182 orches­tra musi­cians and opera cho­rus singers of Rome Opera (Italy) are dis­missed, the Chamber Orchestra of Denmarks Radio in Copenhagen is forced to stop oper­a­tions on November 25, 2014, the Symphony Orchestra of Cordoba (Spain) faces a bud­get cut by 40 percent. […]
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